
Well-Known Member
I've calmed down a bit now so thought I would ask on here. I tried to do the door skins over the weekend, was going easily until I get to the bit where the skins wrap around the window edge.

Tried to get them out, but couldn't get the plastic inserts around the glass out, ended up smashing them (£100), then I still couldn't get to the edge to lever the skin edge out due to the window channel being in the way. Do I need to remove the glass too??

Also, what have people used to bend the edges back around?
I can't see how you ever thought it would be easy James, you're trying to do by hand what land rover use a mayhoosive machines to do :oops:
I can't see how you ever thought it would be easy James, you're trying to do by hand what land rover use a mayhoosive machines to do :oops:
Someone on here said it was easy, it was't going too badly at the start...

Wish I had bought the £3k ones from Keith Gott!!
If you're replacing them then just run a grinder round the edge just enough to go through the skin
To skin a door...

Grind around the edge of the door sides) just enough so you can just see the two parts of skin (wrapped bit & door) and a small black line appearing(the frame)

Pull the skin away from the frame (it might be gluded so a small flat chisel is useful).

To replace the skin

To flip the new edge over, take flat panel beating hammer and a weight (a lump of metal) hold the weight on the skin (door side to support the area you are bending over) and lightly tap the edge over all around the door,

Personally I would flip the edge up about 25 degrees all the way about, then 45, then to 90, etc...

Don't use grips to bend it over or to flatten it down as it ends up giving a wobbly edge. Or trying to flip to much of the edge over in one, as this will also make it wobbly.

I need to reskin my doors so when I have some room in the workshop I'll take some pictures and write a guide.
My skins came off ok, James. They were new doors though. Britpart! All the furniture, seals etc came off the old doors easily too. :oops:
To skin a door...

Grind around the edge of the door sides) just enough so you can just see the two parts of skin (wrapped bit & door) and a small black line appearing(the frame)

Pull the skin away from the frame (it might be gluded so a small flat chisel is useful).

To replace the skin

To flip the new edge over, take flat panel beating hammer and a weight (a lump of metal) hold the weight on the skin (door side to support the area you are bending over) and lightly tap the edge over all around the door,

Personally I would flip the edge up about 25 degrees all the way about, then 45, then to 90, etc...

Don't use grips to bend it over or to flatten it down as it ends up giving a wobbly edge. Or trying to flip to much of the edge over in one, as this will also make it wobbly.

I need to reskin my doors so when I have some room in the workshop I'll take some pictures and write a guide.

My skins came off ok, James. They were new doors though. Britpart! All the furniture, seals etc came off the old doors easily too. :oops:

Thanks both, makes me feel better. I'll try and continue today.

@stewd, did you leave the window channel in still? If so how did you get to the metal bent over?
Guide to skinning a door:
1) remove skin from old frame
2) get old frame welded
3) try to get galvanised steel to bend around new frame
4) make a bodge job really badly as the steel skins won't bend
5) drive to paddocks and buy two complete doors for £660

I give up
Guide to skinning a door:
1) remove skin from old frame
2) get old frame welded
3) try to get galvanised steel to bend around new frame
4) make a bodge job really badly as the steel skins won't bend
5) drive to paddocks and buy two complete doors for £660

I give up
And there was me thinking you could do mine:D
Seriously, don't go with the steel ones unless you have some kind of press.

Unless you fancy buying mine...

If I could set a steel door frame on fire I would do
I'll get some pics tomorrow. New doors are on and its ready for paint now.

I'll be putting them up for sale, one skin is as new, the other one isn't so much. One frame is good, the other is average. I've also got two bottom repair sections for a rear door as I mucked up and ordered them by mistake!
I'll get some pics tomorrow. New doors are on and its ready for paint now.

I'll be putting them up for sale, one skin is as new, the other one isn't so much. One frame is good, the other is average. I've also got two bottom repair sections for a rear door as I mucked up and ordered them by mistake!
James how much did you pay for the doors in the end?!
Just the doors, or all of the parts too? The doors were 330 each, then probably another 100 on locks, cards etc. I have no ideas how the lock mechanism goes back together, gonna be interesting...
The price of replacement parts have gone ridiculous of late

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