should be cupped imo. but ring the manufacturer to check. your steering feels lght due to incorrect camber. at high speeds it will 'wonder' about a bit too.
re: my point above on the metallic clonking - on bumps in the road prob no more than 1" deep hit @ 30mph. I'd apprecaite any thoughts on whether I'll have probs with the bushese & washerr shown on the shocks here (did not use the ones in the bag which were identical to the old ones I took off) :


The pic below shows the set installed where I guess the rubber could compress and the washer hits the bolts that hold the spring mounting plate in place? Or...could they be moving sideways causing the shocker bolt to hit the spirng mounting plate (although each rubber thing had a shoulder that went inside the spring mounting plate hole if you see what I mean).


Any thoughts?

The knockin' noise ye're gettin' is the shocker bangin' against the mountin' plates.
In yer second photie ye've mucked up a bit. The cup ye see on top should be between the bush and mountin' plate and a big washer on top.
Ah've taken a couple o' photies tae show ye how it 'should' be.

Bottom mount....


Note the two cups inbetween the two bushes. These fit top and bottom of the mountin' bracket with the wee sticky out bits fittin' in the hole...


and it's pretty much the same with the top ones as well where they fit into the turret....


Lookin' at yer first photie, the cups with the sticky out bits need to be fitted between the bushes before ye stick them on;)
Many thanks for that Buster! I'll give that a go at the weekend.

Steve - now you mention it, it did 'drift' at 40mph and above. I'll add the other correction stuff to my birthday list (castor correction, cranked arms etc.).

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