
New Member
:eek: Hi all hope everyone has had a nice weekend :D

Ok where to start, with the begging for help:rolleyes:

I have just got myself a P38 1995 Rangei, 2.5 DSE
and need some help with a couple of things as you do when you get a new motor and not knowing the little things you learn by having one,

But I just know there is someone on here that does;)

Okay Koki here we go, with the begging for help :D

The day I got my car Friday 3oth May,
I have half a tank of fuel in her, all was going fine, I did about 90 miles on my home, and when I got down to quarter of a tank, she suddenly lost all power and came to a halt ! hmmm what's this me thinking or really,,, hoo,,,, sh**,,,,, any ways I rolled over to the side of the road, and tried to re start her, well after a couple of mins off she went, and after a another couple of miles loss of power again, so back to the side of the road, couple of mins later off we go once more, pulled into a garage put a tenner worth of fuel in, and got my self home ok,

Now has anyone any ideas has to why this should happen?:confused:

1) I have been told its the lift pump in the tank might need replacing?

2) I've been told that is a normal thing on some P38 when the tank gets low on fuel, But cant see that myself ,,, but hey these things do happen?

3) I've been told it might be the fuel breather pipes blocked? and I have know idea where these are so any help here would be grateful?
or any ideas would be helpful, now I'm afraid to move from home just in case she goes completely,

I also don't have a drivers hand book so have know idea what all the controls or buttons mean in the car, like there is a little toggle switch on the indicators arm ,,,, hmmm what dose that do?
how do I get four wheel drive hi lo, God I must sound like I right twit, But been used to having a surf, and know all these is to known about them having one for three years, so now the learning process start again

So any help from you guys that have had your motor for a while would be very much appreciated
looks as if I'm writing a novel here lol
Cheers Mike:eek:
The little toggle on the indicator switch is the dimmer for the dashboard lights.

If it's manual, then to select low ratio, you STOP, apply the brakes, depress the clutch and select neutral whilst keeping your foot on the clutch. Now press the "Hi/Lo" switch on the dash (the button furthest to the left on the panel with the hazard light switch on) the indicator light on the switch will start to flash. When it's selected hi or low ratio the light will stop flashing and the display on the dashboard will show "HIGH" or "LOW" for a few seconds.

DO NOT rush the transfer box change, DO NOT release the clutch or move the gearlever until the hi/lo light switch stops flashing.

If it's an auto (which I doubt), select neutral, wait for a sec, move the gearlever into the left hand slot, wait until the dash display says "LOW", select the gear you want and job done. I think you'd have worked this out though.
the reason for the stalling is its drawing air from the tank due to it been low on fuel, mine does the same thing, its the pickup pipe that collects the fuel lower down that will have a crack in it, when the level is above the crack it can't suck air in. I just keep mine above a quarter of a tank at all times as i can't be bothered having all the tank out etc.
I don't know where this belief in the 'split pick-up pipe' came from, but it doesn't tie up with the design of the pump module - the pump is sited at the lowest point of the tank and draws fuel thru a mesh screen before pumping up a convoluted tube and out of the tank. So in a case like not running on less than 1/4 tank, either the convoluted tube develops a leak squirts fuel around the tank (don't know whether this ever happens?), or the pump itself isn't working (my personal experience).

Easiest way to check the in-tank pump is to turn on ignition and listen/feel for vibration in the tank for 10 secs before it switches off.

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