
New Member
Hi, to save me stripping the wrong bits of dashboard down please can somebody tell me what may be causing this!!

the heater is stuck between blowing on my feet and towrards the windscreen!!, i have had the clocks out and removed the pipe that goes to the windscreen demist bit, when i work the leaver that controls where the air flows i can see the cable move down in the hole where i removed the pipe so i presume there must be something else that it worked off the cable that has jammed or seazed!!

any advice apreaiated...

Thanks, Chris
if you stand at the front of your land rover with the bonnet up and look in the far right corner theres a black box with water pipes going to it, this is the heater. There are 2 cables that operate leavers on the box. One on the top and tother ont side. Se if they are stuck, cables slipped out etc.
although it sounds like the cable that has come loose is the one that goes into the large air chamber that runs the lengh of yer dashboard. which is a bummer as to remove this chamber you have to pretty much dismantle the whole dash.

To see if it this, remove one of the two little plastic venty bits that direct air to the footwell (you know the things held on with two screws, that flare out at the bottom).

when one is taken off (preferably the one nearest the control), shine a torch into the hole and see if a flap moves up and down as you use the controller lever. If it doesn't, next undo the controller part complete (which involves undoing a few dash screws and losening the dials part of the dash) and see if the control wire is connected to the lever. If it's not, thats your problem.

If it IS connected, then the problem is in the aforementioned airbox running along the whole base of the dash. Your flappers may be stuck (leaves and general cak), which you can see if the case, by reaching into the hole you made by removing the baffle earlier and manually moving the flap. If it moves easily, then the cable is disconnected. If it barely moves, it's stuck with cak.

Wiggle it, dislodging any cak, then retry lever. If it now works, great. If not, you'll have to dismantle yer entire dash I'm afraid...

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