
New Member
So - I thought I should dig out the history of this -does anyone remember it ? She is still going strong- after a new clutch

Series IIA
FUM 573D
25109803D ( or C)
2 1/4 Petrol solex carb
Originally cab truck but now Full hard + LPG

On a queer note at one time everything an I mean everythink had been painted yellow ( inside of brake backplates / inside of wings ) hmmm, oil company vehicle ? Also the engine cc is listed as 2998cc WTFF ?

I wouldnt post too much infomation about her, it would make stealing her identity easy.
True- but mine is sat-tracked and locateable in under a minute....m'lud :)
However, I would like to find out its history, but how, or where............
True- but mine is sat-tracked and locateable in under a minute....m'lud :)
However, I would like to find out its history, but how, or where............

s'not physically stealin it that the problem, say i had a series IIA with no paper work i could get a number plate with your number on and stamp your serial number on my chasis then when plod checks the number plate against thier data base it looks legit.... .....if i could actaully get fast enough to break the speed limit in me IIA you'd be getting all the speeding tickets and plod would be round your house givin you the third degree when they find my IIA rammed into a shop window or packed full of explosives...... :eek:
s'not physically stealin it that the problem, say i had a series IIA with no paper work i could get a number plate with your number on and stamp your serial number on my chasis then when plod checks the number plate against thier data base it looks legit.... .....if i could actaully get fast enough to break the speed limit in me IIA you'd be getting all the speeding tickets and plod would be round your house givin you the third degree when they find my IIA rammed into a shop window or packed full of explosives...... :eek:

........what makes you think I haven't ?
:D very true, that why your trying to get hold of the owner, to see how many speeding and parking fines they have??? heh