
Your all Banned except me
Who does everyone use for insurance on there series's.

Need to insure the Hybrid 3.5V8 Series 3

Whos the best/cheapest???
Sureterm Direct - they understand Landys and I couldn't find cheaper.
I use Firebond, they sent me a letter today saying that the credit card I paid my insurance with is about to expire and could I send them the details of the replacement card. I'm gonna ring em tommorer to tell em to sod off there not having my credit card details to keep on their computer.
agree wi betty, nfu wer the cheepest and more important more flexible with the engine swap. They also give bloody good legal advice on other things to members.
Gotta agree with both Betty and Boozer. Using NFU now as if you need to add business use to your tratter only cost an extra 10 notes. Bargain :)
My Vee is insured with Sureterm. Really easy & cheap. Heard some poor reports of Adrian Flux lately, asking for pictures from all angles & stuff.

When I called them they asked me to ring them back cos' they were really busy! For that reason alone I'd never use them.
Yeah, think mine's about £130/140 with Sureterm. Unlimited mileage tho' & business use. Covers me greenlaning as well!
sureterm everytime. quoted me £290 on me disco with zero no claims. full comp(using no claims on me daily run around).
they are very good with landies.......:D
i use direct line ok its only third party on a 1973 landy 88 petrol but they listen and beleave me its worth it especially if ur you just started ur 20's (age) like me and its less than £600 with 1 years no claim on top of that

i say give direct line a ring

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