
New Member
Did a service on my 200 tdi today and am well ****ed at the location of the oil filter what a chew and made worse by some numpty who last serviced it having overtightened it using a chain wrench (could see the marks in it) tore the fecker in half trying to get it off and got covered in oil :mad:
aye wanna know who put it where it is in the first place in the design and who the tit was who serviced it last. got 2 12 bore shotgun cartridges with thier names on lol
Ha ha ha:D:D. Covered in oil. That's well funny:D:D Ya shouldn't have bought a Landy if ya don't like being covered in oil:D:D
It was designed for the Defender - easy on one er them.
Shouldda got a proper Landy.

He's worried about engine oil filters on a 200 tdi!!

He should have a look to see where LandRover decided to fit the FUEL filters on Disco TD5s!

It is SO BAD .... it's almost beyond belief they actually did that.

But on the other hand they are easy to get at and to change.

It was designed for the Defender - easy on one er them.
Shouldda got a proper Landy.

It was designed for the Series 1 (as a 2 litre normal aspirated diesel) in the mid 50's, over 30 years before Defenders were dreamt of.

He's worried about engine oil filters on a 200 tdi!!

He should have a look to see where LandRover decided to fit the FUEL filters on Disco TD5s!

It is SO BAD .... it's almost beyond belief they actually did that.

But on the other hand they are easy to get at and to change.


a mate of mine lost about 40+ ltrs of fuel when a stone hit the drain off bung out of the bottom of it on his disco ( he ended up buying a filter cover for a 90 to protect it )
a mate of mine lost about 40+ ltrs of fuel when a stone hit the drain off bung out of the bottom of it on his disco ( he ended up buying a filter cover for a 90 to protect it )

That's a good idea.

Did it fit straight on?

Every time I go off road, I keep that bloody filter in mind all the time. Sticks, stones, bits of old fence wire (got a bit round the prop last time - stopped just in time) and all that sort of thing can rip a filter off in a flash.

So (Forgive my ignorance) but where exactly is the fuel filter on a TD5, I could look on rave tonight but I am at work at the moment and curious.......:doh: DOH! what a giveaway!!
So (Forgive my ignorance) but where exactly is the fuel filter on a TD5, I could look on rave tonight but I am at work at the moment and curious.......:doh: DOH! what a giveaway!!

In the right rear wheelarch, just behind and just inboard of the right rear wheel, outboard of the chassis, fully exposed to everything that can be aimed at it.

Suppose the awkwardness of the 200 oil filter wouldn't be as bad if had longer legs and could get to it from the top but I have to go underneith and reach around the back of the diff and propshaft, still doesnt absolve assholes that overtighten stuff though. A saying a man told me once when I was on work experiance at a bus maintenance depot "tight's tight, too tight's ****ed" fits well :D

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