also dont think that 1 person can be classed as an 'expert' throughout the forum. with so many different sections and sub-sections there will always be people who specialise in 1 small area.

eg. Andyb66 has always answered my braking questions and engine questions with sensible and correct advice, i class him as an expert on landy mechanics. however i wouldnt ask him specifically about paint, and im sure he wouldnt try and answer if he didnt know. Busterbus does fantastic tutorials on running gear, again someone i class as an expert in the field. but i wouldnt ask him about the right size sub box for a 12" sub going into the boot of a disco. knows **** all about landy's but is an expert in patronising bullsh1t, draw your own conclusions.

there are alot of 'experts' on here, in their own small fields. maybe you wont know there an expert untill you ask a question on their chosen field, doesnt make them any less knowledgable tho;)
A true expert will admit - "i don't know" and at that point will listen and learn... :)
Indeed, there are plenty of 'opinions' on here - as it wouldn't be a forum without them.

I posted the initial question in an effort to discover who had the 'expertise' to be able to give a 'qualified' opinion based on their practical experience, knowledge and mechanical know-how - clearly some are more qualified than others, and it isn't always dependent on the number of posts they have.
I'm Daft.

Gaylanders - NI
V8's - eightinavee
Deependers - Bustersbus
general - Clutchdust

plenty of expertise around the forum from others, but those peeps seem to really know their stuff.
and loads of others

I'm no eggspert, never had a formal day of mechanical or electronics training in my life. I'm self taught lol

If I've had first hand experience of a fault or problem, I'll chip in where I can.

Oh and I don't do diesels ;) :D
Can't believe my name int been mentioned :mad: I has gotta be an expert ****taker and windup merchant. There int no one on here can upset someone as fast or as well as I can :D :D
and if yer need to know how to roll a 90 pikey is yer man!

and stuck in ditches...... well there are a few on here that can tell yer how to do that
Can't believe my name int been mentioned :mad: I has gotta be an expert ****taker and windup merchant. There int no one on here can upset someone as fast or as well as I can :D :D

ee's also an eggspurt at gaining rapid easy access to the underneaf of a fender.
and if yer need to know how to roll a 90 pikey is yer man!

and stuck in ditches...... well there are a few on here that can tell yer how to do that

nearly rolled the fooker yesterday anorl. Some **** had piled earth up on the left hand side of a very tite lane. Reckon it was only the thick bushes what kept her on her wheels. Could feel the two wheels in contact woth the ground trying to slide under. Fooking farmers want shooting they do.
nearly rolled the fooker yesterday anorl. Some **** had piled earth up on the left hand side of a very tite lane. Reckon it was only the thick bushes what kept her on her wheels. Could feel the two wheels in contact woth the ground trying to slide under. Fooking farmers want shooting they do.

i take it it wasn't good topsoil or you'd have had the fooker away
i take it it wasn't good topsoil or you'd have had the fooker away

Nope was 3 piles of Clay & cack each one about 200 yds apart. was obviously done to try and make the lane undriveable. din't fooking work though. :D had 3 brown trouser moments though :eek:
Cough. . . . . . . dunt ferget young Porks [eaze er furra bread] he elps a lot of peeps on ear :) :) :)
There are many people on here who have a passion for LRs. Each one of us is here for various reasons but I suspect mainly because we have run into problems in the past, were looking for help and found LZ. This is true for me. Now I am not a qualified expert on LRs. Not at all. I am an electronics engineer so the electrical system and the engine management does interest me. Also I am good at problem solving. I have also had some experience of tinkering with cars, including the wonderful machine I now drive. What we have here is a database of useful information regarding the variety of issues we have experienced at some point or other which we all now share. People come along with problems and we'll all have a go at suggesting where to look. Some are easy, others are a puzzle. It makes for the interest. Personally I get great satisfaction out of helping people who share my interest and even more so when they come back and say Hey its all fixed, thanks for your help. A job well done in my view. :D
Nope was 3 piles of Clay & cack each one about 200 yds apart. was obviously done to try and make the lane undriveable. din't fooking work though. :D had 3 brown trouser moments though :eek:

just makes it a bit more egg-sighting ;)
There are many people on here who have a passion for LRs. Each one of us is here for various reasons but I suspect mainly because we have run into problems in the past, were looking for help and found LZ. This is true for me. Now I am not a qualified expert on LRs. Not at all. I am an electronics engineer so the electrical system and the engine management does interest me. Also I am good at problem solving. I have also had some experience of tinkering with cars, including the wonderful machine I now drive. What we have here is a database of useful information regarding the variety of issues we have experienced at some point or other which we all now share. People come along with problems and we'll all have a go at suggesting where to look. Some are easy, others are a puzzle. It makes for the interest. Personally I get great satisfaction out of helping people who share my interest and even more so when they come back and say Hey its all fixed, thanks for your help. A job well done in my view. :D

Right on the nose ! I think that in some way as we all have to spend time getting intimate with these wonderful machines, we all gain some knowledge of a particular aspect and willingly pass it on. It may not work for you but when it does, it does promote a great feeling of pride in helping a fellow owner, and hopefully saved them some money, and that is the object of all the advice posted, to save you having to go to the Main Stealer. It will not save all of us though.
I totally agree with the above, and Darmain's post. However, sometimes between all the banter, ****-taking and general shenanigans :) it's difficult to acknowledge who is giving the correct information.

I'm all for giving advice based on personal experience, I'm simply curious to know who are the 'oracles' on all things Landy/Freelander..
I'd count buster as an expert,andyb66 as well

also dont think that 1 person can be classed as an 'expert' throughout the forum. with so many different sections and sub-sections there will always be people who specialise in 1 small area.

eg. Andyb66 has always answered my braking questions and engine questions with sensible and correct advice, i class him as an expert on landy mechanics. however i wouldnt ask him specifically about paint, and im sure he wouldnt try and answer if he didnt know.

I'd just like to say that this is very kind of the both of you, especially given that I have never met Mark :)

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