Harold 4x4

Active Member
There's a lot of very useful information here, along with a lot of 'goodwill' suggestions from various members: pretty much the same on any forum...

It has helped me out on many occasions with my Disco 300tdi, so with a recent Gaylander purchase I hope to make the most of everyones experiences for that too.

However, having just read all about the tippex test on here, and what a lot of bollocks the test is (apparently), I'm curious to know who are the 'experts' on here? :):doh:
i'm a C&G qualified light vehicle mechanic but i have been lucky enough to keep well clear of gaylanders so far
i'm an hexpert with air cooled vw engines but on a big learning curve with land rovers..basically a spanner monkey that gets through with decent advice
I'm Daft.

Gaylanders - NI
V8's - eightinavee
Deependers - Bustersbus
general - Clutchdust

plenty of expertise around the forum from others, but those peeps seem to really know their stuff.
and loads of others
However, having just read all about the tippex test on here, and what a lot of bollocks the test is (apparently)

it's not complete bollocks, but the test should only be regarded as one of a number of methods which could be used to potentially determine whether the vcu is seized. it is a handy quick check for a layman, who doesn't want to got to the aggravation of dismantling the props, to see whether they may have a vcu problem.

if you were to carry out the tippex test, and the two lines were still in alignment, then further investiagtion is definitely required, or a muddier bit of ground to test on.

if they are not still in alignment, it's obviously not seized, but it may be very stiff and about to seize, or it may not lock up at all even when needed.

As a VCU seizing will fairly rapidly destroy the IRD, I would be concerned about the lines still in alignment, and would investigate further straight away. If they had moved, it could wait to a more suitable opportunity.

But it's not the be all and end all, and not a definitive test.
Thanks, and to a point I agree re test- but the irony in your post is that it puts you in the seat of 'expert' - see how confusing it can be :)
anyone can copy info found on the net, word it different, and claim to know what their on about.

experience means you know if it works or not

expert is someone who knows what works, HOW it works, and also WHY it works. all gained from practical experience, and study.
expert is someone who knows what works, HOW it works, and also WHY it works. all gained from practical experience, and study.

Indeed, when i started at college one of the lectures said to use all - "Use forums.. they are a good source of info BUT take everything with a pinch of salt. Some people claim to be experts but they know very little"

If i don't know something, i ask on here. Wether or not i get the right advice is a different matter but if someone says something i will check what they say before i go ahead and do it.
it's usually the one's who have been to some sort of college that'll think they are the experts
it's usually the one's who have been to some sort of college that'll think they are the experts

and they're usually wrong! our technical director has been to college and thinks he knows it all - give him a buffer and he destroys everythin!! but he always uses the same line "thats how i was told to do it"
There, Sean is the crux of the matter - was the OP asking who thinks they are an "expert" - or was he asking the forum who, in the general opinion, are known as having valuable information and are considered "experts". For example, I do not knoe Bustersbus or Trewys qualifications, but i respect their opinions and would consider their response to be of an "expert", even if one is from Scotland and the other from Kernow, both of which must limit their ability to make valid judgement calls. :bolt::behindsofa:
With all due respect to all of the regular posters and people with a vast array of valuable knowledge that they freely pass on, there's only one person on here that I would regard as an "expert" and that's CharlesY.
Certainly someone that I, mistakenly, overlooked in my earlier post and someone whos contributions should not be underestimated. One of the worthies.

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