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There is a lot of whitespace with posts with the new theme.

It all comes from the messageUserInfo sidebox being a lot higher.

If we can come up with a tweaked design to reduce the size, I think it would make things a lot more usable.

Just a quick demo. I just nuked the additional text.

If we could come up with a tweaked design to show the info maybe horizontally or whatever.


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Would second this. The info should be displayed horizontally (same as old forum) to kill off white space. It would also help with post separation and visibility issues
That's it :)

Only other suggestion would be more of a contrast between the areas now. The title should be a little darker, same with the info panel.

But otherwise, spot on :)
I think it looked prettier before, but this is much more usable.

Case closed! :-D
Re colours, what about

.messageUserBlock .extraUserInfo {
nuke the font-size
nuke the background-color

.messageUserBlock {
change background to #e8e8e8
Looks a bit big and uggo, but more like old theme and large enough to read (should scale fine for different resolutions). then ask for ideas from the ui peeps.

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