
New Member
Hey guys,
What can i do about the white smoke that is coming from my tailpipe? this usually happens when i am starting the engine for the first time for the day, or when the engine is COLD, also lots of white smoke when i am justing the gearbox as the break.

Many thanks
I was told that a small ammount of white smoke at startup was to be expected, and that this was unburnt fuel ?
White smoke is steam as the engine is producing water as a by product of combustion. My lpg V8 pumps loads out if I switch to gas too soon.
White smoke is steam quote]
No it isn't. White smoke is white smoke. Steam is steam. You're unlikely to get much in the way of steam from a diesel unless your exhaust has water in it or your head gasket is knackered. White smoke is unburnt diesel. Common on start up but should clear pretty quickly. If it persists it's probably worth ensuring there's no water in your fuel system then getting your injectors checked. Also make sure the glow plugs are all working as they should be.
White smoke is steam quote]
No it isn't. White smoke is white smoke. Steam is steam. You're unlikely to get much in the way of steam from a diesel unless your exhaust has water in it or your head gasket is knackered. White smoke is unburnt diesel. Common on start up but should clear pretty quickly. If it persists it's probably worth ensuring there's no water in your fuel system then getting your injectors checked. Also make sure the glow plugs are all working as they should be.

No one said it was a diesel did they:rolleyes:
eres me thinkin twas a petrol:doh:
My engine (19J TD) was recently overhauled ,but the only part that hasn't be changed are the glow plugs, i am getting a set next week and i can't wait to put them on when i get them. I hope that would clear some /all the white smoke away. I'll let you guys know how it go.

It's true white smoke is a sign of unburn fuel in my case this will be diesel. I am sure i will get a few extra horsepower when i am doing changing the glow plugs.
Hopefully the glow plugs will get rid of the white smoke on starting but once the engine is started the won't be any difference. Chances are one or more of your plugs are no good and it's taking a little while for that cylinder to start firing smoothly. Does it run rough when you start it from cold?
It takes three or four turns of the key to start the engine, but once it's started everything is smooth,and a continuious white smoke come out from it until i drive off, once i am off the with smoke is gone unless i am using the gears as a brake downhill.
Could be the cold start mechanism in the injector pump which chucks in some extra diesel for starting but should knock off as soon as you touch the pedal. Maybe it's still engaged hence the white smoke on the overrun. Don't think it's anything serious.
Just a thought. When you start it from cold, do you pump the pedal or floor it or anything. On those engines you're not sposed to touch the pedal till it's fired up in order for the cold start system to work.

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