
New Member
Morning chaps - I have a low whirring sound which increases with speed but not revs so I'm wondering if it could be a transmission problem developing - any ideas???
Do you mean stepped on one tyre or different 'depthes' on the two??

I have a worn one on the nearside and a nearly new on the offside - actually, all the tyres are different makes so I had decided to replace them (3 out of the 4 are worn and will need replacing in the next few months).
Change all your tyres for the same type. The Freelander is exceptionally tyre sensitive.
Once yu dun that get the VCU checked as a matter of urgency.
It had a new driveshaft a just before christmas - would that make any difference?
Is the VCU costly to replace?
Had similar issue before, though a "whirring noise" can be a lot of things I guess. In my case it was the clutch release bearing.
whatever is causing the wirring - first things first - having 4 different tyres on your car will be potentially destroying your drive train. get them sorted, then check the VCU and the bearings, but as said above it could be almost anything with the tyre issue compounding it - IRD bearings, diff bearings etc etc etc!
have you got the burning smell as well..

i had the smae sort of noise once i had removed the prop it has gone. but i am the same running four diff make tyres which i will be changing soon

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