
Active Member
Hi guys

2008 RRS 2.7 hse

Driving down motorway at 70mph when i take foot off accelerator i get slight vibration and a whinning noise.

When i put foot back on throttle it goes away its only when i take off pedal can hear and feel it.

When i put it into neutral it goes altogether no noise at all

Many thanks for the help
Where are you feeling the vibration through? Where is whining coming from? Wife? Oops it's the Sport - Boyfriend? :D Have you put diagnostics on it? Are you sure whining and rumble are connected. Does it happen at any other speed? What about if you put it in manual? And a thousand other questions that need answering to help us help you ;)

P.s putting your vehicle in neutral at 70mph is not a bright move.
Does this model have the front propshaft upgrade?
As gr says, never put an auto into neutral at speed. If can lead to an experience that drains the colour from your face and the coloured sheets from your wallet!!!
Iv had a nightmare with it since day 1 its fit for the scrap yard if many more problems accur with it.

I put it in neutral to see if noise would go so could move away from wheel bearing as thats what i thought at first.
Can feel it in peddles mainly the vibration.

Its my first range rover and sure will be the last but iv got it now so will try get it done whatever the problem will be.
I will see if inget the noise in manual in the morning as got a 4 hour drive in it.

Thanks alot guys
Universal joint (shafts)

Tracking the rumbling down can be difficult, try to be methodical - back/front then left/right etc you will eventually find it.

A reputable garage can lift it up and track it down easily/quickly whatever it is.
Disco 3 chassis? Yes?
On the disco 3 there is a shaft support bearing on the rear propshaft. The last one i did required the whole shaft. The ends get tight or slack and the bearing will lose it rubber support band or start to brake down.
Normally if the rubber band goes you get a thump on deaccelaration and accelaration.
Unfortunately it would seem a consumable assembly as the labour involved and the risk of causing more damage is possible. Depending on the garage they could replace the bearing if needed or just the whole assembly but don't fret until you know better.
The front prop could have a duff joint also, they are similar to cv drive shaft joint. If it the unit I'm thinking of and are weak..
Check for oil leaks around the front diff mounted under the engine and the seals where the drive shafts come out. This could point to a dry diff.
à similar setup to yours.
No1 is the front prop,
No2 is the diff assembly and number 6 à drive shaft out to a wheel.
I hope this gives you some help when picturing what is mentioned at the garage. ;)
Whats UJ please.
Also the prop shaft bearing isneorn so o was advised by garage would this make a rumble and wining noise.

This may be of importance, so can you decipher? As far as I can make out, you are either saying it is worn OR it is new. Obviously a massive difference.

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