Funny that because I get that 'rur rur' sound in the back when in full lock. Im only going slow in full lock at the moment while i'll try and investigate.
Re the comment above about testing vcu's with one wheel up test or on a bench, you can do it either way. Results on a bench are different to results when testing a vcu fitted to a Freelander, as the ratio in the diff alters the force on the vcu. You just get a different time result. Still a worth while test to do. Even if your vcu is working, you'll know how it performs to you do the test, for when, shorry if it fails in the future.
must say after reading cuza68 s comment,glad i didnt change me pas pump,noise been there for past,26k though,watching this with intrest,hoping for a cheap cure.tim.
Think i will be going with the CV joints next just got to sort out the schekels.Will post the outcome when they are fitted.

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