
New Member
Hi all,
the ird unit or gear box has started to whine,(im not quite sure which one).Is there an oil for these that is going to make them a little quieter,eighter a straight oil or an additive that can be added to the oil.The hippo has cost me alot of money in the last few weeks so cash is short right now.
Many thanks.
when was the oil last changed/level checked
Easy to do as long as both drain and refill/level bolts come loose
Personally i would change every 12k due to A, reliability of IRD and B, ease & cost of changing it
The oil was changed about 14 months ago (18000 miles ) by main dealer (i didnt know any better in those days thought they were best, what a twit ) What oil should i use when i change it, is any thing any better than LR dealer would have used ??
be aware that the oil shud be changed whilst the hippoo is attached to the testbook - the oil has to be between two temperature limits.

It is also very easy to remove the incorrect "drain plug" and bugger up the complete gearbox - check the Rave disk - it covers this in some detail - as does some previous posts.
Bloody hell its a landrover not something from NASSA. So changeing the ird and gear box oil is not a DIY job then.
a few have done it themselves - as I said - read the relevant bit in the Rave manual and consider it. I think Minge has done it.
IRD is straight forward change as longs as the nuts come loose, always undo the filler before the drain just incase you cannot get it off and unable to get oil back in

Autobox has to be run to a certain temperature which when i did it was a 4 mile run down the road and back and its never been a problem

Need to check level with a spirit level and whilst running for autobox

Read up on auto box, theres a post on here showing the drain which is a allen key
Spoke to Motor factors today about ird oil for my manual td4, they said that LR were the only people that had the correct oil.Spoke to LR they said that they do not sell it to the public(only for use by themselves).Where can i get the correct oil from ???:confused:
Any main dealer will sell you ird oil. Just ask the parts dept. The oil in the auto box and ird are specially mixed for use in the freelander. Don't put anything else in apart from what you get from the main dealer. I was at my main dealer today. The ird oil came into the conversation. You don't need t4 for checking the ird oil level. They only use this to know what the engine temp is. Using this they know when the ird is warm. The oil flows out better when it's warm. It 's the auto box which they need the exact temp on, to get the correct level. Muck that up, and you'll pay. There is a rule of thumb, that if the oil level was correct before you started, then measure exactly what runs out. Then put exactly the same amount in. It's not the perfect method I agree.
75-90 is the same grade as rec in the Manual but where can u get it from:confused:

Yep as loatmead said 75-90

My local dealers tried to fob me off with gearbox oil instead.

Resorted to CarLube products for helicol gears, Comma products and similar viscosity oils on the market, make sure its specified for helicol gears
Thanks to you all for the info will try local LR dealer again.Last time they said that they would not sell it to me,still worth another try.

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