Yeah, thinking about it logically it should be fine. Sorry I didn't mean to doubt you, it just seemed a little severe... No probs I'll give it a go. If it whines with front prop shaft removed then its rear diff, if it whines with rear removed then its front diff, if it whines on both tests then its transfer box?


or wheel bearing etc , you can check t/box with sump plate removed,ie no backlash in gears or diff unit ,teeth scoring etc
Ok, this evening I removed the rear propshaft, check the UJ's properly, all nice and snug, took it down the bypass, whined like usual. Reinstalled the rear propshaft & removed the front propshaft, checked the UJ's all nice and snug again, took it for a spin down the bypass, all nice and quiet :-D. Reinstalled the front propshaft, took it for a spin down the bypass, whined again.... Front diff faulty??



PS. Whilst removing propshafts I noticed there appears to be a bit of slop in the transfer box, perhaps 1/3 of a turn of the output shafts, normal??
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