They're for dry dusty areas not wet boggy GREEN laaning in UK...rather than spend money on a snorkel buy a pressure washer to clean wet mud from rad in the know it makes sense...

If I had not had a snorkel fitted then chances are my engine would have been flooded a few times while playing. Pressure washer will not help with a hydrolocked iniun. LOL

Is sideways not an option ?
Tried that. Lots of wind noise at high(er) speeds.
Plenty of opinions here, some can be taken seriously ;)...if all else is equal I think I'll stick with "backwards". The ram air effect only really works for NACA ducts at the speed we travel, water ingress isn't normally a problem unless there's another more serious issue involving floating away, so it's down to dust inhalation. Having watched some Defenders etc at high speed over flat ground you can see the advantage of a higher air intake and it's more streamlined - I have the Safari style cowl- facing backwards .
I use a mushroom style one, no problems which way round I put it!

You want this one. Another advantage is it is proper old fashioned steel rather than this poncy plastic rubbish the twist truny ones are made from!
water ingress isn't normally a problem unless there's another more serious issue involving floating away,

Think I will keep mine. Thanks. The Centre of the hole was quite deep , glad to have had the snorkel that day.


Reminder to Self, when pressing the loud button and being a loon. turn the snorkel towards the back....LOL.


I think the problem is the description "snorkel" IE something used in the sea as it resembles the shape of the piece of equipment used to breath through... to stop hydro-lock the intake would only need to be above bonnet hight by say stop dust from convoy vehicles higher and pointing intake backwards make sense...
While I don't have any extra filtering, my air filter collects very little dust even in really bad conditions (Morocco dry lakes etc), so taking the air from higher up seems to be a major advantage. And it points backwards.
My snorkel worked exactly as a snorkel the day my DIsco got swept away. The engine still ran until I turned it off (and still lives on in the 90) whilst the windscreen and all other windows were 3/4 the way underwater! Despite sitting about 12' deep for three days then for a year in my back garden, we stripped the engine, rebuilt the bottom end, honed the bores and new piston rings, cleaned the top-end, cams tappets and valves etc and it runs fine.

I know they're designed for dusty conditions originally, but even so you still need the full system, from snorkel to air filter to inlet manifold to be water (and dust) tight ... Mine is .. :)
IMG_0751 (7).JPG
IMG_0751 (7).JPG
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I like to check what bugs are to be found in my air filter housing, Sort of a nature watch thing . Lets me know how the local fauna is doing.

On a serious note , this is what a bad fitting snorkel will allow to happen to your air filter on a D2.

Our old Series 3 came with a filter like that .. well different shape and stuff, but colour, insects, hay dust and cow poo, I think .... ;)
Aye. I'm no expert but there's clearly no 'suit-all answer'. What you fit will depend on the type of driving you do & budget.
I can see why Neilly points his backwards - should have bought a boat. I suppose you could always turn the head round depending on whether you were on the road, green-laneing or going paddling.
I found this on the Expedition Portal site. This guy has run this set up for 8 years & 50,000 miles (15,000 off-road in USA). Pre-filter cyclonic head & custom fit to get it above the bonnet without going the whole snorkel route. Looks a bit naff but obviously works. Guys on the Exped Portal using pre-filters are saying it's keeping their main filters cleaner. Read a research report last night where the conclusion was that pre-electronic management cars are about 10-15% more efficient with a clean air filter. Apparently cars with an electronic brain don't benefit so much as the computer can compensate.
Mad Hat says not worth it if got a filter. I can see that - the filter is there to keep the crud out of the engine so why filter the filter? But you can argue that a pre-filter will reduce the dust & grit clogging up the main air filter letting the engine breath better. Plus don't have to take the filter out so often to clean it ;).
Not sure what I'm going to do yet - much to do before I fit a snorkel.

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That pic is exactly what I said in my last post is all you need if you want to prevent hydro-lock... we wouldn't be allowed it here though unless manufacturer built...
That pic is exactly what I said in my last post is all you need if you want to prevent hydro-lock... we wouldn't be allowed it here though unless manufacturer built...

In my scenario that small pre-filter wouldn't have let me keep the engine running and thus keep the front heading upstream, whilst being dragged downstream. I'd have had to turn the engine off maybe 50 yards/metres before I did with a 'real' snorkel.

I'd also suggest that occasionally places like Strata Florida are also deeper than that, some only momentarily, as are many Pay and Play places ...

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