
New Member
Hi all, now i know this is a forum for landys, but i figure if anyone knows about towing it's you guys.
I'm looking for a van capably of towing a Range Rover Classic on a car trailer, my brother will be driving and his B licence allows him to drive/tow vehicles up to 3500kgs.
My budget is £2000 and before you say get a landy, i have considered and there not big enough to haul my tools.
Any suggestions?.
Hi all, now i know this is a forum for landys, but i figure if anyone knows about towing it's you guys.
I'm looking for a van capably of towing a Range Rover Classic on a car trailer, my brother will be driving and his B licence allows him to drive/tow vehicles up to 3500kgs.
My budget is £2000 and before you say get a landy, i have considered and there not big enough to haul my tools.
Any suggestions?.
I don't know, but I doubt if any vans are rated to tow 3500kg. Your brother isn't licensed to tow that either. And towing heavy loads safely is not easy.
My suggestion would be get someone who is suitably equipped and experienced to move it for you.
As above, your brother is not licenced to tow it.

As he passed after 1997, the trailer plus its load has to weigh less than the towing vehicle and the whole lot together (tow vehicle, trailer and load)has to weigh less than 3500kg.
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Just read flookyk response and that clears the towing limit up.
But does anybody have suggestions of good towing vans?.
An old Merc sprinter?
From reputation, avoid the Renault/Vauxhall ones with the dual mass clutches.
An old Leyland/Daf will have a lot of common engine parts with Land Rovers.
I used to have a Sprinter 411cdi twin wheel. Its GVW was 4200kg and therefore had to be ministry plated (VOSA), as such it was a legal requirement that it was fitted with a tachograph and a legal requirement to use the tachograph.

I doubt you could tow a laden trailer and keep within the 3500kg legal requirements? It's never worth risking it and hope you won't get caught, you will be caught and apart from losing your rig the fines will be into four figures.

Not trying to **** on your bonfire but I've seen so many van/trailer rigs pulled in by VOSA that it's never worth the risk.

Always best to run straight, get a licence to cover the class of vehicle being driven. Be properly insured and ensure the vehicle/trailer meets all the regs :)

Oh yes, forgot say.... the Sprinter 411cdi was a brilliant towing vehicle.
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i used to deliver cars for lease companys and i used a transit 90 t350 semi high roof lwb.
pretty good van for towing. a bit underpowered but very reliable. i did about 30k per year and had the transit for about 12 months without major issues before moving onto a vw lt45 172bhp, awsome bit of kit. would carry a car on the back and another on a trailer and would still cruise at 135kph.
be aware of the tacho laws, but i think if your not doing it for hire or reward you dont need a tacho. train weight and nose weight are the big issues with vosa at the moment.
If license acquired after 1997 the licence holder hast to have passed a trailer licence driving test before towing a trailer of that weight.

4x4 would be the best vehicle for towing that weight.

Not many vehicles are capable of towing 3500kg but you can get away with not putting any load in the towing vehicle and use that weight within your train weight.

Remember to observe axle weights and train weights.
Are there any vans with a towing weight that would allow you to tow a Rangie? as far as I know all Sprinters have a 2000kg towing limit and that's without looking at the GTW :(

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