I'm going to have a stab at replacing my timing belt on my 2.5 N/A myself. Which tools will I need for the job? Anything specialist? I am not intending to remove the heater or the fan.
Copy and paste time again, sorry
- Early Engines
The D.P.S. pump and valves are timed using the
exhaust valve peak of number one cylinder. On early
engines the exhaust peak position is determined by the
relationship of a line, marked
E.P. on the flywheel
perifery and a timing pointer on the flywheel housing.
The pointer is available under Part Number ERC 2250.
1. Turn the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until
the E.P. mark on
the flywheel lines-up exactly with
the pointer. If the crankshaft is inadvertently
turned beyond the E.P. mark do not turn
it back
but continue on round in a clockwise direction until
the mark and pointer coincide exactly.
7. Set a dial type torque wrench to 29,O to 23,5 Nm
(21 to 17 Ibs ft) and whilst holding it vertically,
insert the drive peg into thc square hole in the
tensioner base plate. Tension the bclt and tighten
the clamp nuts to the correct torque.
Check that the dot on the crankshaft pulley and the
cast-on arrow on the rear cover line-up.
Fit the timing belt tensioner assembly and loosely
secure with the two nuts (strap deleted on later
Turn the D.P.S. pump pulley clockwise until the
dot lines up exactly with arrows in the rear cover.
Similarly, turn the camshaft pulley clockwise so
the dot coincides exactly with the cast-on
Fit the timing belt over the crankshaft pulley and
whilst keeping the belt under tension, by hand, run
the beii over the carnsiiafi puiiey. if iiie beit does
not quite mate with the grooves, turn the pulley
clockwise the necessary amount. Feed the belt over
the pump pulley and
if necessary turn the pulley
clockwise to locate in the grooves. Keeping a firm
grip on the belt pass it over the tensioner wheel.
8. Rotate the engine TWO complete revolutions.
9. Slacken the tensioncr clamp nuts.
10. Tension the belt again as described in instruction
and tighten the clamp nuts to the correct torque.
CAUTION: The double tensioning procedure is
imperative, otherwise the belt
could fail resulting in
serious engine damage. See CAUTION Page 84 and
of beits”.
Rotate the crankshaft until, the E.P. mark on the
flywheel and the pointer line-up.
12. Check that the dots on the pump and camshaft
pulleys coincide exactly with their respective
arrows. If there is any misalignment thc procedure
must be repeated.
_.. :. -,.., ,..1. ,'. . . - ,._. ....,. . .., . 13. Remove the plug from the side of the D.P.S. pump
and insert gauge tool 18G 1458 and if necessary
rotate the pump body until the gauge can be fully
inserted and screwed home indicating that the
inner disc is centrally positioned
with the hole.
14. Evenly tighten the three nuts securing the pump to
the cover and the single nut and bolt to the support
bracke t .
15. Align timing pointer on rear of cover, with the
scribed line on the pump flange and tighten
the two
screws. If a new pump is being fitted and there is no
scribed line, scribe a line in the centre of the
machined area on the pump flange. Align the
timing pointer and tighten the screws. On later
engines the timing pointer has been deleted and
instruction 15 can be ignored.
16. Tightcn the D.P.S. pump timing pulley
nut and thc
camshaft pullcy retaining bolt to the correct
Remove the timing pointer from the flywhecl
housing, close the cover and secure with the two
later engines
1. Remove the plug from the flywheel housing and
the body of special tool LST 107 without the pin.
2. Turn the crankshaft in a clockwise direction until
the E.P. slot in the flywheel is in-line with the hole
in the flywheel housing. If the crankshaft is
inadvertently turned beyond the E.P. slot, do not
turn the crankshaft back but continue on round in a
clockwise direction
until the pin of the special tool
can be fully located in the flywheel slot.
Fit the timing belt tensioner assembly and loosely
securc with the two nuts.
Turn the D.P.S. pump pulley clockwise until the
dot on the pulley lines-up exactly with the cast-on
arrow inside the front cover.
5. Similarly, turn the camshaft pulley clockwise until
thc dot lines-up with the cast-on arrow in the front
Fit a new timing belt over the crankshaft pulley and
whilst keeping the belt under tension, by hand, run
the belt over the camshaft pullcy. Should thc belt
not quite mate with
the grooves, turn the pullcy
clockwise the necessary amount. Fced the belt over
D.P.S. pump pulley and if necessary turn the
pulley clockwise to locate in the grooves. Keeping
firm grip on the belt, pass i t over the tensioner
jockey pulley.
7. Withdraw the special tool timing pin from the
- Later Engines
with slot in flywheel for determining the E.P.
The D.P.S. pump and valves are timed using the
exhaust valve peak of number one cylinder. This is
determined on later engines by the relationship of a slot
in the flywheel periphery and a plugged hole in the
flywheel housing through which a flywheel timing pin,
special tool number LST 107, is inserted.
- -
flywheel slot.
8. Set
a dial type torque wrench to 20.0 to 23.5 Nm
(21 to 17 Ibs
ft) and whilst holding it vertically,
insert the drive peg into the square hole in the
tensioner base plate. Tension the belt and tighten
iiie ciamp nuts to the correct torquc.
Rotate the crankshaft TWO complete revolutions.
10. Slacken the tensioner clamp nuts.
I 1 .
Tension the belt again as described in instruction 8
and tighten the clamp nuts to the correct torque.
The double tensioning procedure is
imperative otherwise the belt could fail resulting in
serious engine damage.
Also, if a new belt is not
attainable and it is necessary to refit the old belt it
should be only torqued to 19-24 Nm (14-18 Ibs ft).
12. Rotate the crankshaft until the pin of the special
timing tool can, once again, bc inserted into the
flywheel E.P. slot.
13. Check that
the dots on the camshaft and D.P.S.
pump pulleys coincidc exactly with their respective
cast-on arrows on thc rcar covcr. Should there be
any misalignment the foregoing procedure must be
14. Remove the plug from the side of the D.P.S. pump
and insert
now that has to win the copy and paste award surely!