
New Member
Planning on driving from the Czech Republic to visit the UK and my first ever LR trade show. It seems that the largest are from two magazines and on the same weekend. July 17 - 19. Land Rover international in Billing or Land Rover Magazine in Newark. I would take the family and probably camp. Which one do you believe is the best or are there any better ones during the summer?
Go to Newark It's a new show but the site will be much better for camping on. and even if it ends up not been as large as Billing it'll be better for that very fact. Billing has outgrown itself and become an unmanageable disaster
Went to the LRO show last year, It was brilliant, Top facilities - All hard standing and tarmaced... Not walking round in **** for 7 hours straight, They have the sodbury sortout, Brilliant displays and a track with tuned defenders flying round... Trust me you will never have heard such a Nice TD5 :p

EDIT - The one i went to was the show at the East of england Show ground, The camping stuff was brilliant...
Shame they won't be doing the same at Billing? It gonna be half the normal size and in the middle of a major rebuild. and it's in the centre of the Northhants floodplain ffs ??
billing will be another **** up. kids falling in the lakes/rivers, 1 caravan on fire, constant theft due to no security and open to public. LRM HAD the booking for billing this year and decided not to hold it there for many reasons, hence the reason to move to Newark due to better facilities. If you want all the facts, read here: The LRM Show moves to a bigger home

the debate is still ongoing.

LRO steps in and hires billing on the same date because billing has become the "name" by which everyone knows is the "best" show. this is not true. What makes a show is the trade stands, clubs and surrounding events. there was a get together of traders at donnington show the weekend just gone, but by all accounts it turned into a rather nasty slagging match and a lot of swearing was thrown around! nobody seems to know who is going where or what. I have been told that Newark has allready got 30 of the bigger traders allready signed though.

Anyway, enjoy reading that thread and hope to see you all at Newark.

ow yer and LRO's Live blurb on their website is just slagging off the other venue/mag. whats all that about?! I think this year will see another big devide.

If you want to remain neutral then i can whole heartedly recommend the LRW show at Eastnor castle. Excellent location and all the traders go, weather is always good too. 6th June. I will be there.

billing has gone down hill over the last few years, when lro had it last it was the bollocks of a show!!! the early lre ones were good too, then the aquadrome got new security and they were like the Gestapo your caravan had to be positions exactly as they wanted or they would throw you out, last year the son of the head of security was robbing from tents and awnings, there was a lynch mob out for him!

back in the day you could drive about the site just to look round etc, the last few years they were stopping people and giving them the 3rd degree (even if they were on there way out too tesco ffs

they were charging too much for trade stands too, which killed off half of it, craddocks went down from having one end of the main field to a single lorry
i went to donington on sunday, saw plenty of signs on the smaller trade stands saying "we will be at billing".

Personally, I'm off to Newark as it's a lot nearer for me and I like the show ground. tarmac walkways around the stands, plenty of parking, some good bars etc.
i might go for a day trip or stay in a hotel overnight but i wouldn't camp again too much chance of me landy getting vandalised! the only reasons i used to go to billing is the trade stands and to meet the people i got to know over the previous years
If i were you I wouldnt make up my mind just yet as it seems as the debate is going to shake out towards one or the other from the point of view of traders attending , There is an interesting thread on another forum re a fair few traders being upset by Billing show manager from a particular magazine .
The suggestion re Eastnor may be the answer anyway . JMHO
If i were you I wouldnt make up my mind just yet as it seems as the debate is going to shake out towards one or the other from the point of view of traders attending , There is an interesting thread on another forum re a fair few traders being upset by Billing show manager from a particular magazine .
The suggestion re Eastnor may be the answer anyway . JMHO

this the thread ?

Billing Newark and the LRTA meeting at Donnington. : Devon 4x4 Off Road Forums

sounds like there was a bit of fistychuffs going on
this the thread ?

Billing Newark and the LRTA meeting at Donnington. : Devon 4x4 Off Road Forums

sounds like there was a bit of fistychuffs going on

Having had a run in with a couple of D4x4's admins & mods. I can quite understand why someone might want to smack the fookers though. A bigger bunch of sanctimonious up there own arses ****ers you'll be hard pushed to find. I also suspect that D4x4 have their own ulterior motives for wanting to promote Billing over Newark and for wanting to rubbish LRM and the Newark show. & my experience of D4x4 is that they've never been ones to let the truth get in the way of a good bull****ting session.
it's all a bit over me head, can't see what all the fuss is about

ave never been to a land rover show before and dunt see that all this fuss is going to be making me want to start going either
unless they put on a stella fueled LRM v LRO v LRE winners take all fight as part of the intertainment
Just go to the ARC National instead, can enter the trial and get your landy muddy at the same time :)

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