So, according to Island 4x4, RTC3291, RTC3458 and TVC100010 are all the same.
Here's a pic of one of my old UJs (2 cups missing) and a new RTC3458.
The cups are 27mm diameter on both, but the old one is 82mm from the end of one cup to the other, whereas the new one is 75mm.


Don't suppose anyone's got an RTC3346 kicking around that they can measure for me? That's the one specified for chassis numbers up to CA....... (up to 1986).
I can only guess that my prop has been replaced by an earlier version at some point.
It would be good if someone could confirm for definite.
I've already spent 13 quid on 2 wrong UJs (one of which I can't return because it's been fitted).
I have four of those there 82mm UJ's sitting doing not a lot in my kitchen in Surrey. Made by GMD. Wouldn't fit my 110. Do I hear an offer?
Thanks very much for the offer mate, but I've just ordered them off Paddocks! I've got to have the prop back on before Saturday, so I couldn't wait any longer.

I'll check me rear prop tomorrow and if they're the same size I'll have a pair of em off yer - they're bound to need replacing before long.
Given that I'm not sure whether to go long or short on landy bits - here's the deal. A pint of Guinness for each UJ. £3.20 plus postage.

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