Which Land Rover Magazine is best....

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When I bought my RRC there wasn't mags on Land Rovers and much the same with my previous cars, I often wonder how we survived without an owners handbook, a Haynes manual and the main dealer for that vehicle, but then our basic skills which we had helped :D.

What I've seen with the various Forums is that are dying slowly with actual "good" information, with the usual "I don't know but I think" in the first paragraph, I say if you don't know don't reply.

Sometimes an ''I don't know but...'' post is the best way to get a discussion started that can help get to the bottom of the trickiest issues.

What I really don't like is when people post info, with authority, that is plainly wrong and then and confuse the issue to save face.

We all (me :eek:) make mistakes but it better to suggest something that might help than insist you're right whatever.....or to say nothing
When I bought my RRC there wasn't mags on Land Rovers and much the same with my previous cars, I often wonder how we survived without an owners handbook, a Haynes manual and the main dealer for that vehicle, but then our basic skills which we had helped :D.

What I've seen with the various Forums is that are dying slowly with actual "good" information, with the usual "I don't know but I think" in the first paragraph, I say if you don't know don't reply.

True but I have still found the info required eventually I just sift the data till I'm finding positive responses to the question. Haynes is great I use mine a lot however sometimes their descriptions are rubbish. I spent most of Sunday morning looking for the flywheel locking pin hole "On the engine back plate behind the sump"... That doesn't even come close to where it is....Couldn't find the answer on the line either mind you :D but have posted where it is with pics now... Surely that sort of info is helpful. Yes there is plenty of I "don't knows" or "I think" but its up to you to ignore if not sure, there is still some good stuff... It seems we need an on the line magazine with comprehensive correct information collected from all sources, different to a forum in that its only putting out info that has been tried and tested and is accurate, any questions asked privately and displayed if relevant. No ifs and buts and lots of pretty pictures of land rovers?.... A distilling of information to get the best on each subject...
It has been noticed though that a great many of the forums are dying a slow death, and it is not just the "misinformation" to be blamed either, but also because of social media networking, I know a lot of lads doing almost all of their Landy related stuff on FB these days as they can stay in contact not just with Landy stuff but with almost everything they like.

But also forums are suffering due to over exposure on the Landy front, I have actually lost count of how many forums there are for Land Rovers, and some of them specific to vehicles too, but content is lacking on a majority as there are not so many people building trucks up and I do love to trawl the project boards to get ideas or to see if there are other ideas or solutions to my own issues with my truck, but of late there are not so many new ones on any of the forums, which leads me to conclude either peolple are not building or they are just using other social media to publicize their work.


Mags will never die out, they said that news papers would and they are selling less but they are still readily available every day.

I would like a mag to run a competition truck even if it was just an RTV type truck doing a tour and to see some more sport related coverage.

Not sure what else others want to see in a mag though????
It has been noticed though that a great many of the forums are dying a slow death, and it is not just the "misinformation" to be blamed either, but also because of social media networking, I know a lot of lads doing almost all of their Landy related stuff on FB these days as they can stay in contact not just with Landy stuff but with almost everything they like.

But also forums are suffering due to over exposure on the Landy front, I have actually lost count of how many forums there are for Land Rovers, and some of them specific to vehicles too, but content is lacking on a majority as there are not so many people building trucks up and I do love to trawl the project boards to get ideas or to see if there are other ideas or solutions to my own issues with my truck, but of late there are not so many new ones on any of the forums, which leads me to conclude either peolple are not building or they are just using other social media to publicize their work.


Mags will never die out, they said that news papers would and they are selling less but they are still readily available every day.

I would like a mag to run a competition truck even if it was just an RTV type truck doing a tour and to see some more sport related coverage.

Not sure what else others want to see in a mag though????

The forum thing is def interesting. I've had a landy before but my current Disco 1 which I have had for about 18 months is my first proper build project. So this is the first time I have properly used, posted etc on a forum. Why did I pick Landyzone over the others? Its simple, when I googled for information this forum came up trumps more than any other. I liked the banter and really enjoyed some of the build threads. I hate Facebook I was on it once and had my stuff hacked 3 times. I think it is a great tool for staying in touch with family, especially if they are round the world but I am shocked by some of the information that people place on it, I also don't like the ethics of the man who started it... Anyway rant over :D :focus: magazines.... :p
I've been here a while, don't post here so much though.

My mates this side of the channel use LRO boards and we keep in touch there, it has gone a bit PC of late but I still keep my build thread updated.

Being in Central Europe I keep busy on my local Belgian forums too, my project and help with sourcing parts and general chat, although I have a habit of flaming anyone who gets the hump when I type in English, my view is, if they don't like it they don't have to read it ;)

The greatest shame of "ALL" of the mags is lack of content Vs the advertising volume, I once did a column inches comparison(yes I was that sad) of content and adds, LRM was 48% adds Vs 52% content that month and LRO was 57% adds Vs 43% content, think it should never exceed a max of 35% advertising in column inches as we want content, advertising is useless unless there is inspiration to put it to use!
I've been here a while, don't post here so much though.

My mates this side of the channel use LRO boards and we keep in touch there, it has gone a bit PC of late but I still keep my build thread updated.

Being in Central Europe I keep busy on my local Belgian forums too, my project and help with sourcing parts and general chat, although I have a habit of flaming anyone who gets the hump when I type in English, my view is, if they don't like it they don't have to read it ;)

The greatest shame of "ALL" of the mags is lack of content Vs the advertising volume, I once did a column inches comparison(yes I was that sad) of content and adds, LRM was 48% adds Vs 52% content that month and LRO was 57% adds Vs 43% content, think it should never exceed a max of 35% advertising in column inches as we want content, advertising is useless unless there is inspiration to put it to use!

Yeah it seems a lot of mags are doing that. EVO, that I have just cancelled, has some awesome articles from time to time. However more and more they are having "advertising features" in the mag. So the articles are sponsored by say Goodyear for example. I don't like it because it makes me feel like their opinions are for sale... I trusted their reviews of cars and even made some purchases based on them.... They have lost my confidence in that respect. I understand they have to make money but its not for me. If LRO is getting like that I may buy a couple off the shelf to to see what they are like. Its a shame because I do like having a mag to read.... The old fashioned way :D
I must say that LRO has got a lot better the last 4/5 issues for me, there does seem to be a step away from the drivel and more reader interaction too!
Well purchased this months LRO yesterday so will be having a good look tom... Looks ok and the ads although there are a lot are better than my other mag which had ads for watches that cost more than a nice defender... at least these ads are mostly for bits I can puton my car... I don't looking at those helps me dream :D also came with a free calender which I need for work next year... Is it worth going full time we shall see.... Thanks for your comments guys.

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