Which Land Rover Magazine is best....

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Ok so heres a question.... Which Land Rover magazine is the best and which would you subscribe to? I have looked but can't find another thread on this and I'm just interested in peoples thoughts.... feelings etc... Some will say go buy some and read for yourself which I probably will but I'm just interested on other peoples feelings....
Please also chime in if you wouldn't buy any of the above! Reasons why etc... Or if you read something else you think is better... LAND ROVER MAGS THAT IS!!!! .... Yes I saw your brain working....
LRO. LRM used to be goos but now its just full of adverts
Have to agree with that far too many adverts and too many things on test they take up about 4 pages when they do that, surely people just want to read about land rovers, if i want tools ill go to a tool shop lol, i bet tool mags dont feature land rovers !!!!
Have to agree with that far too many adverts and too many things on test they take up about 4 pages when they do that, surely people just want to read about land rovers, if i want tools ill go to a tool shop lol, i bet tool mags dont feature land rovers !!!!

Ok cool thats good to know... I've just cancelled a sub to a car mag, its still pretty good but seems to have more and more "Advertising features" just fancied a change. I don't mind the odd review of tools providing they have actually been put to use... Not just out the packet reviews... they tend not to be reviews just what it looks like!! YouTube is full of those as well.... OOO a review about... Oh no its just some bloke getting it out the box....:mad: anyway :focus:
Well i get LRM monthly as it was bought me as a present but i would be slightly miffed if i was paying for it lol
I think they both go through stages of being utter blox - I cancelled my LRO sub a few months ago and started with LRM, just before LRO started getting better again! :rolleyes:

I tend to get a subscription as otherwise I'd be tempted to buy them all. Haven't had a chance to read the new Classic one yet, and if its got Disco stuff in it then I might be tempted to give that a go next time. I restrict myself to 2 mags a month (the other is a bike mag lol)
I think they both go through stages of being utter blox - I cancelled my LRO sub a few months ago and started with LRM, just before LRO started getting better again! :rolleyes:

I tend to get a subscription as otherwise I'd be tempted to buy them all. Haven't had a chance to read the new Classic one yet, and if its got Disco stuff in it then I might be tempted to give that a go next time. I restrict myself to 2 mags a month (the other is a bike mag lol)

Yeah I have done the same otherwise you can end up spending a lot. I dont tend to peruse the mag shelves like I used to as I'm not allowed to go shopping anymore.... not even to push the trolley apparently I put to much in it. Anyways that means my impulse buys are down so il like to have subs come to my door. Although my last one did stuff tons of offers on their other mags in the packaging so I was tempted to sub to another but stopped myself :D
I always had LRO for about 17 years, sub number was 395, then I relised it is now the "same old stuff" repeated each year so no more for me.

I kept the first 5 years in their binders but the rest of the mags went to the tip, no one wanted them.

I bet LRO are doing another spread on 'how to prepare your Land Rover for winter' again
I always had LRO for about 17 years, sub number was 395, then I relised it is now the "same old stuff" repeated each year so no more for me.

I kept the first 5 years in their binders but the rest of the mags went to the tip, no one wanted them.

I bet LRO are doing another spread on 'how to prepare your Land Rover for winter' again

LOL I will have a look I'm sure the cover is on line... Are you thinking of trying another?
Nope I've done my time with Land Rover magazines.

But LRO has been good for owners of all the LR products from Range Rover Classic and Series LRs through to todays stuff.

The other magazines I found were just focused on Series and Defenders which I'm not that interested in, also off road, the modified vehicles and their competitions, which I've never had the time to look at.

Never the less the other mags LRW LRM are all very good and informative but not much on bog standard road vehicles last time I looked.

The one magazine I miss is Land Rover Enthusiast not quite as polished as the "new LRO" with it's million pound sponsors but it was run by the founder of the original LRO so was an excellent read ... come back LRE.
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LRO for me. Nothing better than putting kids to bed, turning the tele off, gettin the log burner going and having a good read with the dog. Peace an quiet, ahhhhhhhhhh....
I usually get lro, but depends in the cover. If it looks like the contents maybe a bit dull, I won't buy it. Which reminds me, must get the December issue as I get a mention in the disco buyers guide :)
I really think if there werent so many ads and non land rover related ****e they would sell much better and they are not cheap either, i wonder if there are any guys or gals on here that work for em ?

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