Is there a show at newark this year? Just been on LRM website and it says Stoneleigh August 28-30th. Or am i a bit confused
Is there a show at newark this year? Just been on LRM website and it says Stoneleigh August 28-30th. Or am i a bit confused

Yup, It has been moved to stoneleigh... And is August Bank Holiday weekend..

Brilliant Idea by LRM there. I mean who doest just love sweating there bollocks off in a Landy for 5 hours going no were because every ****er and his dog is trying to use the motorways? :doh:
So ,,,,,,,,

We'll probably not be going to Newark this year then .:)

Shame, would have been handy for us ....
On website it says stoneleigh at top of page but newark 16-18th july at bottom.
Oh well if its at stoneleigh might still make it.
to be honest it isn't LRM's fault they chose the date they did. when they announced the original date at Newark. Manby hadn't decided whether they were even having a LR show this year. But when they did announce it the date was the same as Newark. So LRM decided to change dates, to avoid clashing.

Unfortunately they couldn't get another date at Newark that didn't clash with something else. So they looked to Stoneleigh. and bank hol was the only date available.
to be honest it isn't LRM's fault they chose the date they did. when they announced the original date at Newark. Manby hadn't decided whether they were even having a LR show this year. But when they did announce it the date was the same as Newark. So LRM decided to change dates, to avoid clashing.

Unfortunately they couldn't get another date at Newark that didn't clash with something else. So they looked to Stoneleigh. and bank hol was the only date available.

Fair do's then.

Stoneleigh, whilst I've not been there to a Landrover show, is a great venue. Used to exhibit there myself with a couple of companies in the past, some decent lanes in the area too .. ;) Might be worth a run ...
Most likely we'll be off to the Spring adventure at Driffield, its not that far away and there ain't owt else on the calender for that weekend. We "should" have a disco by then (for the off road course of course), but it depends on how much the freelander makes and how much discos prices drop by then.
I say go for the Abingdon 4x4 show on the last weekend in september at Dalton Barracks! Trade pitches are a very reasonable £25 for 20' of frontage and £1 per foot there after. Contact Trigger(James Law) through the abindon website 1
I say go for the Abingdon 4x4 show on the last weekend in september at Dalton Barracks! Trade pitches are a very reasonable £25 for 20' of frontage and £1 per foot there after. Contact Trigger(James Law) through the abindon website 1

So when we getting our free clubstand then??:rolleyes:
Like i said before. Contact trigger on the above link as he is in charge of trade and club stands and he will be able to sort it.
Good idea, I used to exhibit at trade shows .. ;)

Many years ago .. 'course, it would be for the benefit of Landyzone and not just for the free entry .. ;)
Last year i went to all the main shows - driffield, eastnor, billing, peterborough and the shepton mallet show/spares day. Didn't go to newark as i drove past it to go to billing.

Which i'm glad i did as i thought billing was the best show last year. driffield is good as well but the toilets and showers were disgusting for most of the weekend.

eastnor was a wash out and the new publishing company were useless at running it - why they've asked Live promotions to run it now and its moved to shepton mallet.

My plans for this year so far are; driffield (its my birthday), billing, peterborough (not keen on the show but alot of friends go so good to catch up) and shepton mallet (LRW) its along way but got friends down there.

if i make it to stoneleigh depends on work.

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