
New Member
Posted in general room but then figured post bleongs in here.. (women 4u):)

Looking to get a FL, wanted the TD4 engine, whats the earliest year BMW manufactured them? and are they any good.

I need it for:

Carrying dogs
Horsey stuff (not towing)
Fetching shopping
carrying shoes and make up

There will be occasions when i have to go off road but not over steep hills or down the side of Snowdon. Literally to fetch horse feed from a farm with a dodgy track to it.

Any ideas please gents...

thanks xxx

The M47 is a diesel engine, the 2002 never had a diesel in it ??

My Hippo is one of the first to have the M47 BMW engine and I got it delivered on january 9th 2001 (signed the order in october 2000, the dealer told me I could get an L-engine for very good price but as I wanted an autobox...)
The TD4 BMW M47 diesel engine was first available in late Autumn 2000

Mine was registered first week December 2000
I've seen a couple of very early "W" plate Td4 models but there was quite an overlap & I believe there were one or two old L-series engines which made it onto "Y" plate.

Oh & yes they are good providing you research & thoroughly check the weak points.

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