
I'm looking at getting a pedal lock for my defender. I've looked at the 'ard case and the mighty box which are removable. Do these have any benefits over say the x-defend pedal lock which is fixed to the floor.
Obviously the x-defend will be quicker to lock and unlock, but I'm wondering about the mats. I take it you need to remove the floor mat, so do your feet slip on the bare metal of the x-defend when its wet? Is this even a valid problem?


"so do your feet slip on the bare metal of the x-defend when its wet? Is this even a valid problem? "

In nearly 30-years of LR ownership I have never had mats (never had rusty footwells either) and never found that my feet slip in the wet so I would discount that one.
I have had an X-Defend lock for a couple of years now and while I initially disliked it and indeed removed it for several months (for other reasons) it has now been fitted for a long time and again, no issues with feet slipping.
Xdefend has the big bonus of not being a large number of kg projectile missile should you be in an accident.
I was going to the X-Eng one, was going to carpet the inside bit where your feet go.

Depending on how its designed etc..

Was also thinking of cutting my current floor mat to the shape of the 'door' and fitting the off cut inside the lock box. So when the door is down it looks flush.

Or maybe im over thinking it...

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