
New Member
Hi - I'm looking to buy a used Freelander and could really do with some input from experienced owners!

Some have suggested the older Freelander (03-07) is overall more reliable than the new Freelander 2...

I am particularly interested in a diesel auto... all inputs and suggestions welcome :)

Thanks in advance!:)
you've nearly answered you own question, td4 auto is the one to go for.

the freelander 2 is still a bit young to be showing any real problems, and there's not many members on here with them, so hard to say.

read through the freelander section and you'll get an idea of what to be looking for.

good luck
Ok, i'll say it first......
good luck, but whichever model you go for make sure you hold onto the doors tight if it gets anywhere near water :p
Ok, i'll say it first......
good luck, but whichever model you go for make sure you hold onto the doors tight if it gets anywhere near water :p
This only applys if you've washed the thing, left the back door open, then backed the car out the gate. Then the doors fall off. I heard the RR suffers from this problem too.
This only applys if you've washed the thing, left the back door open, then backed the car out the gate. Then the doors fall off. I heard the RR suffers from this problem too.

Nah, the doors are great on rr's it's just any/all steel that rots off. Still they'd still **** on your poncy gaylander :D:D
Hi - I'm looking to buy a used Freelander and could really do with some input from experienced owners!

Some have suggested the older Freelander (03-07) is overall more reliable than the new Freelander 2...

I am particularly interested in a diesel auto... all inputs and suggestions welcome :)

Thanks in advance!:)

Take it from someone who found out very recently, the locals don't much like Freelanders or Gaylanders as they like to call them :)

I recently registered on here asking much the same as you and following what people had to say and my own research and despite the Gaylander tag have just got one.

I went for the a 2003 TD4 and got what I thought was a good deal and I'm delighted with it.

To recap the (helpful) advice I got, avoid petrol ones like the plague, go for a Freelander 03-07 and if you can a TD4 there are some bargins out there.

Happy hunting.

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