I know I bought her a new washing machine and cooker this year already, and all iv'e had is a new laptop pc, a new car and a new set of golf clubs.

And is she happy??

buy summat ya dunt like make out like it's the best thing since sliced bread then next time she starts make out like the big martyr and sell it. then dunt let her fergit about how she allas gets er own way and how you've had ta sell everything ya own jus ta keep er happy.
And of course on the distillery tours Mrs Kergan can't have her free glass of malt if she is driving so I have to drink her's as well.

I know, it's a real bind having to drink 2 glasses, but I manage.
Only 2 glasses? last one we went to gave us a few to try:D
buy summat ya dunt like make out like it's the best thing since sliced bread then next time she starts make out like the big martyr and sell it. then dunt let her fergit about how she allas gets er own way and how you've had ta sell everything ya own jus ta keep er happy.

'ere thas a good wheeze... I'll 'ave ter remember that 'un
Only 2 glasses? last one we went to gave us a few to try:D

well as i'm taking mum and dad this time and they both can't drink with their medications I will have to drink 4 glasses at each one. And Im planning to have a good day on the speyside whisky trail.
Right must go,
got to do some work tomorrow and have to make an early start.

Nighty Night everyone, sleep tight

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