Steve Terminal

New Member
Eyup one and all.Open question then.

Ive had 1.8 petrol since 2000.Had me problems like so many of you.But on the whole i have been very happy with my "beast".Read a lot of these posts on this site and theres alot of whingers and(so it seems)very few who are happy with their "beast".(How do Landrover keep in business with this reputation?)
So my question is -Which model Freelander do I go for if I decide to stay with them?
Aye, it's alright for sum;) would do the same meself but got to drive in the mornin ;) :D Hope ye enjoyed it

Love the Glen Ord, nice peat taste to it. But only have a small one from that bottle a couple of times a week.

However I will be testing a few different ones purely for research purposses you understand when i'm back in the glens in a couple of weeks time.

The current Mrs Kergan will have to drive us back to the B&B on more than one night I am sure!!
'ang on... am I in the wrong section or summat? Is there anyone here called Tarquin?
Love the Glen Ord, nice peat taste to it. But only have a small one from that bottle a couple of times a week.

However I will be testing a few different ones purely for research purposses you understand when i'm back in the glens in a couple of weeks time.

The current Mrs Kergan will have to drive us back to the B&B on more than one night I am sure!!

Aye, research purposses:rolleyes: And it's a good job the mrs can drive innit:D

An' I fort you lot drank snowballs
Nowt wrong with a pint of babycham and advocat;) :D
Aye, research purposses:rolleyes: And it's a good job the mrs can drive innit:D

Nowt wrong with a pint of babycham and advocat;) :D

And of course on the distillery tours Mrs Kergan can't have her free glass of malt if she is driving so I have to drink her's as well.

I know, it's a real bind having to drink 2 glasses, but I manage.
And of course on the distillery tours Mrs Kergan can't have her free glass of malt if she is driving so I have to drink her's as well.

I know, it's a real bind having to drink 2 glasses, but I manage.

th things we do fer um an they nevva appreciate it.
'ere - Kergan mate... shouldn't your tag line read:

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out... than to fade away!"

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