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I've removed the rear bumper from my 300tdi discovery and am doing away with the lights and indicators from the bumper.
Is there a relay I can replace the standard one with so the indicators flash at a normal rate? I bought a 200tdi relay but this has 5 pins whereas the one I removed has 4.
If not I'll wire some resistors in but would rather not cut into the loom if I can avoid it.
Have a look at AMR 4873 that is a 4 pole relay, or try any standard relay from a scrappy, the ones I've seen over the years are all 4 pole, may or my
not work with a LR system
I'm not sure changing the relay will help, surely the lack of bulbs is acting like a blown bulb thus making it flash twice as fast. I think you need to wire a resistor in place of the bulbs to counteract then you should be fine with the relay you have.
I was going to wire an extra bulb into each front indicator behind the headlight and tape them up, but lets see what other ideas ppl come up with
Think I'll just wire some resistors in. Does anyone know what size resistors are required to replace an indicator bulb? My multimeter seems to have given up!!

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