
New Member
Hi Folks,

I have decided I want to purchase a Discovery 2 TD5 ES. My initial budget is £7.5k and I want a sub 80k mileage vehicle. I have started to look at various sites to find a suitable example.

Two queries, are face lift vehicles any better (I prefer looks of pre face lift examples), and it terms of reliability are there any preferences between manuals and auto's (I will be using it to tow approx 1tonnes of Car and trailer).

Any other pointers/opinon's will be welcomed.

Finally, I haven't be able to find a good buyers guide?

Many Thanks

Hi Folks,

I have decided I want to purchase a Discovery 2 TD5 ES. My initial budget is £7.5k and I want a sub 80k mileage vehicle. I have started to look at various sites to find a suitable example.

Two queries, are face lift vehicles any better (I prefer looks of pre face lift examples), and it terms of reliability are there any preferences between manuals and auto's (I will be using it to tow approx 1tonnes of Car and trailer).

Any other pointers/opinion's will be welcomed.

Finally, I haven't be able to find a good buyers guide?

Many Thanks


Hi Daniel, the build quality in general improved from D1 to D2 pre-facelift and from pre to post facelift;

Manuals give a better overall driving experience than autos, especially when towing and are better on fuel.

Buy the very best spec you can find and it will continue to please long after the purchase price is forgotten.

Hold back at least £1000 for putting things right that weren't apparent at the time of purchase or in the early days or the ownership of your Disco - there WILL be things to do so if you have the budget set aside you can just get on and sort them and you'll have a better ownership experience.

Are you ready for the fuel/ownership costs of a Disco - will you use it to it's full potential? Or do you just fancy one as a car?

Buyers guide can be found at the site in my siggy.
Hi Thanks for the comments.

Thus a facelift manual vehicle is the version to go for in terms of the least trouble free motoring.

I'm intending to have the Disco as a second vehicle so won't be doing lots of running around in it, just longer runs with the family and towing my other vehicles - long term ownership is expected.

In terms of 'proper use' no it won't, but it may see an occational green lane. I had a Freelander commercial TD4 a few years ago and like to feeling of being able to go anywhere (within reason) even if I stay mainly on the road.
I'm sorry but I disagree, I've had both auto and manual and to be honest I prefer my auto and I regularly use it to tow a horse box with two horses.
You have every right to your own opinion but having had 4 TD5 autos and having towed all sorts of trailers of varying weights including a 2up horse trailer, having towed with my mate's manual box TD5 the difference in enormous.

The power loss introduced by the autobox torque converter is unmistakable.
Been reading about the Ashcroft torque converter. Looks to be almost essential if you are using an auto for towing.
Cost seems to vary for the part and is gearbox off job to replace it.
Been reading about the Ashcroft torque converter. Looks to be almost essential if you are using an auto for towing.

I think "almost essential" is overegging it. My standard TD5 auto has no trouble at all pulling my 1400 Kg caravan.

If I had lots of money to throw at it I would consider the conversion as it would be nice if the engine didn't rev so high but from a functional point of view standard is fine.
i have a std 99 td5 auto and love it but i prefer autos any day,once above 50 theres no difference and autos definately better for reversing and slow manovering,
Fair enough, I don't actually own one just been seen a few threads about it on the interweb.
I'm looking to buy one in a month as my new daily. Got a 800kgs car trailer so will be called in to doing some heavy towing from time to time. Though mostly just used for the 25 mile drive to work.

My plan is to buy the best condition one I can. ES spec is my aim and would prefer a face lift though I would settle for a pre-facelift if very good condition.
hi Daniel ,I agree with thebiglad ,you need to keep at least £1000 in reserve ,make sure EVERYTHING works if you can take your mechanic or someone that knows them inside out check the chassis at the back for rust, autos are great but I find a manual better for towing , best of luck
Or better still keep back £2000..... Choose your seller carefully even the nicest of people can be hiding something. Agree with everyone above take an expert or at least someone who knows a little. Finally good luck and happy hunting

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