Thanks for the advice.

I have scoured the internet daily and can't find anything decent around 10k yet.

It seems that at this price range theres not much margin in it for the dealers, so they tend to be 1 or 2k over what you would expect.

I think I have concluded that a 130 would be the best size. 110 bed looks too small
Don't forget they will be worth quite a bit more money at this time of year. In spring they will drop about 10% and there should be more available.

£10k should get you a nice one if your patient.
Drive round the U.K and you spot 90 & 110's every where, in the country every farm,barns got one.And there's bugger all for sale ! Say's it all I reckon !

Yes you will have to pay good money but if you look after it won't lose much if you can every bring your self to sell it.

Good luck & be patient, your not buying a car here your buying a Defender !

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