Gods Own.

Was round a mates house at the weekend for a wee beer tasting sesh. He wanted to know what happened to our "Reformed Wham" (Sing Star!) video. Ah, I says, that's on me YouTube Channel. So he dials it up on his TV and was rather underwhelmed seeing it sober - it was early in the evening. But he was most impressed that my "Freelander Broken IRD Test Drive " video has 3K Views :) He'd be very impressed with Hippos 50K views :)
Log in from wherever I am in the last 18 months Iran(difficult) Turkey Bulgaria Romania Germany France Spain, and of course Hastings St Osyth London
Live in Cheddleton, Staffordshire but currently logged-in in Malta. When back in Blighty, could be anywhere in the country, depending where we have taken our caravan to !!

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