Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
Help please (again !). It is insurance renewal time and I can't seem to be able to get any proper quotes for my lovely 110 csw as it is a 12-seater. I am currently with AF but have done work to her since last year so the value has increased and i need to increase the mileage limit too.
Lancaster have quoted me over £2000 !!!!!! (I think this is as I've requested 8000 mileage, which I could actually do with being 10k but they won't cover at all above 8k)
I am 37 with 10yrs ncb and member of IAM ....... would I be better removing some seats ? If so, how many make a difference ? Could I drop down to 10 and be ok ? Thanks v much.
I got insured by both aviva and london Victoria. I justafe a voluntary reduction in the seats..I took thr front middle seat out and put a cubby in and the bench seats at the back are now limited to two on either side rather than the original three. It helps somewhat in that my v5 doesn't actually have a documented number of seats
Hmm, well I've actually replaced my two benches with 2-seaters too ........ and looking at my V5 it doesn't actually say how many seats either !!! Wonder whether they'll quote for 10 ? Don't really want to get rid of the middle front seat if can help it as the children are too young to go on the benches really, so doesn't give much option to take their friends anywhere !
Ouch, 2k sounds excessive, I have just been quoted for a 12 seat 110,by Adrian Flux for £410, I'm 36 with 13 years ncb. Interestingly esure who I have my saab insured with have quoted £300, although I will be checking the quote as I am not sure if they fully 'got' the 12 seat bit.

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