
I'm hoping do do a few greenlaning trips this year, following the advice from a few of the guys on the recent Granby farm day they recommended fitting a CB.
Does anyone have any ideas for a good budget setup, can you buy complete kits with everything needed to fit?
Has anyone got a handheld set or am I better off with a fitted one?
Any advice is welcome,
Mine looks lovely and the ariel's blue - :) No idea if it works properly but it looks nice :) 'nuff said

Jim (the owner) is an absolutely top bloke, very helpful, and if you ask him for advice will advise you on something that suits you, not what necessarily suits his sales figures.

I learnt almost everything about setting up and using CBs on his website too.

Personally, I have an Intek system, which has settings to sharpen up the transmissions and also clear up background noise on received signals. Midland do a very good cheap setup with the basic functions though.

Make sure you set it up properly with a good ground and any basic unit will give you a good local range.
Midland or Kernow are good basic budget sets that crop up on ebay. Intek are great newer multi band boxes. Used both and been happy with what tehy do for the money.

Or look out for an old "modded" Formac - lots of fun (if you like that sort of thing) :)
Thanks for your help,
I found the site matt mentioned last night, glad they have been recommended, Just need to get reading and order one now :)

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