So I managed to find some time to take the snorkel off today and as expected there is no sight of anything like an air filter, it's just piped straight to the turbo.

While it was off, I got a picture inside the turbo, the blades seem damaged, what do you lot think? Is it OK?

I'm going to order some 75mm flexi pipes and an air filter as well as the cyclone breather connection so I can sort all that out next weekend. In the meantime I've rigged up a makeshift filter in the snorkel.

Looks like the blades have been fouling on something. Was there any sign of foreign objects or debris in the pipe? They can get a bit polished from fine grit in the air, but this looks like they've been colliding with something larger.
Is it worth having a word with the people you bought it from? See if they can assist you in anyway. It's quite a major oversight in their part, especially if they're Land Rover specialists.
Is it worth having a word with the people you bought it from? See if they can assist you in anyway. It's quite a major oversight in their part, especially if they're Land Rover specialists.

Hi. I tried that for a long list of other things. Long story short, it ended with me threatening to call trading standards. The guy is a complete tit!
Partly my fault as I bought it without really knowing what I was looking for but he didn't want anything to do with any of the issues that I discovered when I took it to another garage for a check over.
The place is Yorkshire landrover so I'd avoid it at all costs!
Anyway, I'll fit the never filter and hoses next weekend and then that'll be that problem sorted and on to the next!
Concern now is the turbo and what to do. Don't really want to have to fit a new one as this things a money pit at the minute! Will probably just leave it and hope there no major problem.
MOT in a couple of weeks so we'll see how that goes!
I see. Sometimes it's just best to cut off ties with the seller and get on with it yourself. Been there myself!
If the turbo was fooked then I'd definitely be taking things further. Although your blades look worn ( as someone else has said, see if it's not fouling on anything ) the turbo should still work as a turbo. Someone will probably be along to correct me and say it is fooked and it'll need repair and balancing. Hopefully it'll be alright and you'll be able to get on with enjoying your Landy!
Yeah the plan is to re-build it next year on a galv chassis with some professional help so the aim is to keep it going until I have the money to do that.
Probably going to be spending a lot of time on here asking questions as I'm self learning.
All your help is appreciated.
Not convinced that turbo is good, quite a bit of blade damage on it.
I don't know either way to be fair. For now, I just need it to get me through until next summer and it only does about 50 miles a week so I'm hoping it keeps running.
Bit hard to say from a pic. but looks like there might be some tip damage on the blades, as well as leading edge.
Physically inspect by wobbling and turning it with your finger. A tad of play is fine, but not slapping about, and check for oil and/or metal filings in the pipes. And score marks where it has been eating the housing.
If very much in doubt, second opinion from mechanic might only cost a few quid, or even free if you are friendly with local garage.
Its not pretty but I would happily run it if it was mine, theres no sign of oil and so long as the compressor vanes arent touching the main casing its got life in it yet.
Biggest issue you will have is the earlier 90/defenders had snorkels up the passenger side, later ones were on the drivers side, so you will have to make any pipework you need.
To keep you rolling a stocking over the snorkel top will do short term, but that wont keep the fine crap out, just dead birds and the like!
A k+n cone style jobby straight onto the blue pipework again will keep yup running until you can sort parts.
Its not pretty but I would happily run it if it was mine, theres no sign of oil and so long as the compressor vanes arent touching the main casing its got life in it yet.
Biggest issue you will have is the earlier 90/defenders had snorkels up the passenger side, later ones were on the drivers side, so you will have to make any pipework you need.
To keep you rolling a stocking over the snorkel top will do short term, but that wont keep the fine crap out, just dead birds and the like!
A k+n cone style jobby straight onto the blue pipework again will keep yup running until you can sort parts.

Thanks. I'm going to keep running it. I only use it for a few miles a day and don't have a choice. I've rigged an old filter up in the top of the snorkel and turned the head round to stop anything getting in there.
Also ordered a filter housing and some heat resistant flexi duct which I'll fit at the weekend. I'm guessing that'll work?? I'll post some pics once I'm done and hopefully you lot don't rip it to pieces!:(

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