You know what'd be handy, put a belt round the crankshaft and make that turn the turbo round. Surprised no ones thought of that!

Anyway, it doesnt suck because I have got to the root of the problem and it doesnt involve taking the head off.
They have! Useing exhaust gases to whizz it up dunt put more load on yeh enjun!

It does actually .... there is more down-pressure on the pistons on the exhaust stroke because of the turbo getting in the way of the exhaust gases. The pistons have to shove up a bit harder to get the exhaust out, but the engine gets a lot more back in return. About 5% to 10% of the additional power gained by using a turbo is taken up to drive the turbo.

It does actually .... there is more down-pressure on the pistons on the exhaust stroke because of the turbo getting in the way of the exhaust gases. The pistons have to shove up a bit harder to get the exhaust out, but the engine gets a lot more back in return. About 5% to 10% of the additional power gained by using a turbo is taken up to drive the turbo.


Yeh but, No but,but yeh,but,WHAT! as appose to driving direct off the enjun better like un that yeh!
You know what I ment Charles!
I think we are getting into a supercharger vs turbocharger debate here. Mercs dont like the turbo but love superchargers for example. Even if they cant spell compressor right.

Later: er so much for the leak being un noticeable. theres a puddle under my disco this morning ant it aint been raining! I wonder if I leave the expansion cap loose will that make it leak any less with the system de pressurised? Hopefully going to Bangor for the bits in a mo. will report back later.
I think we are getting into a supercharger vs turbocharger debate here. Mercs dont like the turbo but love superchargers for example. Even if they cant spell compressor right.

Later: er so much for the leak being un noticeable. theres a puddle under my disco this morning ant it aint been raining! I wonder if I leave the expansion cap loose will that make it leak any less with the system de pressurised? Hopefully going to Bangor for the bits in a mo. will report back later.

Go and get yeh gasket's you! And dont forget yeh antifreeze- or else!
You know what'd be handy, put a belt round the crankshaft and make that turn the turbo round. Surprised no ones thought of that!

They have, both Volvo and Scania run a system they call turbo compound, where you have a conventional turbo, with a gear system linking it directly to the flywheel. There is bugger all turbo lag and they fly. Suprised it hasn't been used on others yet, but I suspect a copyright on some part of it has put the brakes on that.

Thanks for that rob sounds like a great idea for an aftermarket bolt on.

Just been to Bangor for bits, no good, LAS closed, phoned the Pentraeth one, not got what I needed, phoned another one on Anglesey closed too. Finally got them ordered from LR Parts in Liverpool. Should have them by weds. I used 4 gallons of water coming back from Bangor so I think I am remaining square wheeled til I get it fixed!
The strange thing is the problem got worse since I replaced the leaky header tank. I guess now the pressure can build up it is forcing the water out. I have parked her up now, I'm not risking even short trips. I will start stripping out this afternoon. Hopefully will have the bits by weds. I'm going to do a few other bits while I'm there like the leaking rocker cover, leaking power steering reservoir, leaking oil cooler hoses. It'll be like a new one when I'm finished. Well, maybe not...
OK could wait no longer, the suspense was killing me so this afternoon I decided to have a go. That link you sent Jason, was a good starting point. I studied the procedure then just went for it. I thought I would get the front half of the disco into the garage to give me a nice working area. It is a 'normal' garage and you forget how big these things are. I got it in with inches to spare but had to stop when the running boards were up against the door frame!
All came off reasonably well, I had heard the long bolts into the block can be awkward but some kind soul had put copper slip on them in a previous operation. It looks like 'P' Gasket failure at the top of the gasket. So car in bits driving around in the lads metro (sorry Rover 100) it don't half feel low to the ground after the disco.
Well got all me bits, I rolled the Disco out of the garage so I could lock up after stripping out on sunday. and had the idea of getting the lad to help me shove the nose back in this morning as its raining. The drive is only a slight incline. I put bricks behind both back wheels and let the handbrake off. We put our backs into it and it wouldnt budge, you forget its 2 tons plus! Anyway hopefully a break in the weather and I'll have at all back together in about an hour.
Well got all me bits, I rolled the Disco out of the garage so I could lock up after stripping out on sunday. and had the idea of getting the lad to help me shove the nose back in this morning as its raining. The drive is only a slight incline. I put bricks behind both back wheels and let the handbrake off. We put our backs into it and it wouldnt budge, you forget its 2 tons plus! Anyway hopefully a break in the weather and I'll have at all back together in about an hour.

Make sure the surfaces are flat Rev,dont rush it!,the leak over a period of time can wear a channel, i used some of that liquid metal stuff and then filed it back flat.
Didnt rush, took about an hour and a half to reassemble everything. Used emery to clean mating surfaces then hylomar paste on both sides of P gasket and water pump gasket. Copperslipped the three long bolts where they go into the block. Its just the tensioner thats got me stuck.
Just been out for a spin, everything OK so far. Havent put the antifreeze in yet bevause at £9 gallon it would be a waste if it all leaked out!

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