Wanting to be little bit elegant getting into my 110 at work I bought some side steps. I thought, obviously stupidly, that there'd be some instructions in the box or that my Haynes manual would explain how to do it - but no! Can anyone tell me exactly where they attach? This would stop the rather embarassing alternative plan, which is hanging round carparks until someone drives in in a landy with steps and I pounce on it with a tape measure!

What exactly do you mean? Fold down side steps or what? I'm not being obstreporous, but what exactly do they look like? You can do worse than hanging around car parks with a tape measure you know..........Try measuring a blokes snorkel when he's asleep at a rally..........I did!

Mine now looks wicked!
I reckon the steps will go down at the bottom somewhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Try looking through the photo gallery for some ideas.

How about a photo of your snorkel Marcus. It'll save me measuring one, Ive some brass pipe at work I was thinking of making one out of.
****!!! brass pipe !!! i could make one' L' of a bong with that amount of brass pipe
Not sure what I'm more worried about, wasting brass pipe on something that isn't a bong or Grunt wanting a shufty at me snorkel? Measure yer own!
We've got that much going spare I could make a triple ended one we could all suck on at the same time.
Sorry my dear,but you will not get a sensible answer from these guys , as they all have trough's on the sides of their tractors , ionk oink :cool:
Even though I am a girl I had realised that the steps should be attached on the bottom of the landy rather than the top and that I should drill some holes in the chassis to do it! Perhaps I should have been a little more prescise with my question - does anyone know where exactly on the chassis should I drill the holes as I don't really want it to end up looking like swiss cheese!
Sit in yer Rover.
Open the door.
Swing yer legs out, as if you were gonna get out.
Get a mate to mark where your feet are with some chalk.
That's where your step'll go.
If you're the nervous type, fix it with a couple of G-cramps first and jump in and out a few times.
Good luck ;)
hold on a second, drill holes! OK what age is your 110?

Have you looked under the doors for holes? I am about 80% certain that there are holes, as it is not a modification, they are LR parts, and will/should have the holes there.

Check and get back to us.

I agree with discomania, a mate of mine who has a 110 put some steps on his. There were already holes there.

small girl big landy said:
Even though I am a girl I had realised that the steps should be attached on the bottom of the landy rather than the top and that I should drill some holes in the chassis to do it! Perhaps I should have been a little more prescise with my question - does anyone know where exactly on the chassis should I drill the holes as I don't really want it to end up looking like swiss cheese!
well...line up the steps where you want them, and mark the spot on the chassis where the edges are (or if the steps have predrilled holes in them already, just mark where the holes are) and then drill through the chassis where you want the holes to be and bolt em on
depends on which yr was your landy. on Td5s all the holes you ever need to mount the folding steps are found on the chassis and body.

now, if you look carefully under the landy, you'll see just behind the bottom about 30cm from the door post there's a mounting hole. it's abt 5cm from the edge on a rail attatched. the step goes there.

now, you see you have a hex nut which fits into the hex hole in the chassis. it sits very loose in the hole. but not a problem, that anchors the support bar from the step to the chassis and is very very difficult to get it in.

so mount the step first, then loosely bolt the support bar to the step, yes the middle hole, and the grab the step with both you hand, assuming you already bolted the step onto that rail i was talking about. and now, push both your legs stepping on the chassis.

effectively, you are off the floor with butt in the air and then, either use one of your foot to position the bar correctly or get someone to help you with that. quickly tighten the screw into the hex nut on the chassis.

phew now that was tuff. sweating like crazy.
Them there tractor boys like to wear fish net stockings and suspension things when they do a job like this. . .freelander boys wear them all the time anyhow[that last bit was for the slob]. . .Swing:cool:
Well, the steps are now attached! thanks for the helpful replies!!!!

when I opened the box and found no instructions I paniced and didn't look underneath properly. The holes were indeed there, as a couple of people pointed out. The problems came when the electrics for the winch that was attached, but is no longer, were in the way and it took a while before I found a friend to come round and disconnect them (easy job I know, but the way I look at it, not fiddling with electrics you don't understand will keep you alive longer!) and then there was the bent, thredded bolt that the lovely mechanics who fixed my clutch had put back in the clutch mounting which took 40 mins to get out (I will be having words with them next timesee them!).

So all in all, a successful ending- I no longer need to park in the darkest bit of the car park to hide the shame of having to pull my skirt up to get in and out!!
dildo !! does "rummy" know you're pulling "small girl's" skirt up so you can get in and out??

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