Hi all,

I came by this picture. Then I tougt where do we put or door tops when traveling? I'm also wondering what this guy/girl did, I really like the setup.


Personally I would just put them in the back but some rear door hinges would probably do the job fine
Enlarging the picture it looks like he has put a dummy pin with plate into door then inverted tops into the same plate.
Would have thought they would bang about a bit like that.
No I don't think so. Look at what would normally be the bolts to secure the door tops, he's done something with those. Looks like he could lift them up and they would be in place straight away
I like the idea too providing they don't make a lot of noise, difficult to see whats going on if you make the pic bigger it just gets blurry, my guess would be some form of hinge/hinged bolt for flicking them up and down to order.

saves farting about with nuts every time you want them off or on

be a bit of a waste of effort if they didn't flip up and down, be much easier to stick them in the back as has been said

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