
New Member
me and a few of me mates are thinking of a off roading weekend and wanted to ask you guys if you know of any where good near bristol well around somerset, devon area thats a pay and play thing, camping and most important, a pub near by?
...yer most of the lanes in north somerset have been closed down.

minety is good for begineers as you dont have to do the silly stuff if you dont wanna as its more of a loop/route.

foxham is more advanced with loads of man made holes, steps, etc. i personally didnt like it as its more of a playground with no route. everyone is just ragging around a hillside im surprised no-one has crashed into eachother! its also very rough with some extreme drops and stuff. i would call it more of pay and prey site... hope your landy dont snap in half or get drowned!

havent been up dundry yet, i hear its good.

fishface. didnt realize you were in bristol. PM me if your out greenlaning sometime. i went round gloustershire today, its a real good route. will PM you next time.


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