I've noticed recently after each rain that I've got a fair bit of condensation.

I don't have sunroofs.

It's a d2 td5 2001 and after having a quick feel around I noticed that it's wet in the corner on the drivers side headlining near the sun visor.
It's not much and not dripping, but definitely wet.

Where would be the likely place that it's coming in from and what are the areas I should check ?

Windscreen seals, between windscreen and metal of the body/roof .. at least that's where it was on my Disco 300 ...
Who taketh my name in vain?
Here's what I have on water ingress at the top of the windscreen/"A" pillar.


  • Discovery Water Ingress Manual.pdf
    923.8 KB · Views: 239
  • water_ingress_to_headliner.pdf
    172.3 KB · Views: 243
Thanks for that Brian.
Is that corner piece on the gutter rail easy enough to remove without breaking?
And do I then just simply run a bead of silicon along that corner and put the plastic clip back ?
Thanks for that Brian.
Is that corner piece on the gutter rail easy enough to remove without breaking?
And do I then just simply run a bead of silicon along that corner and put the plastic clip back ?
I wouldn't use silicon if I were you, It can peel away if you're not careful. I'd be tempted to use TigerSeal or Silkaflex.
The pages do specify what sealant you should really use. You might also need to obtain some of the little black plastic rivets to hold the trim in place.
I wouldn't use silicon if I were you, It can peel away if you're not careful. I'd be tempted to use TigerSeal or Silkaflex.
The pages do specify what sealant you should really use. You might also need to obtain some of the little black plastic rivets to hold the trim in place.
Sikaflex comes in many flavours, which one do you recommend? This is one of the next jobs I've got to tackle when I get the Landy back from its chassis work...

Sikaflex comes in many flavours, which one do you recommend? This is one of the next jobs I've got to tackle when I get the Landy back from its chassis work...


I wouldn't recommend the vanilla or the bubble-gum pink, unless of course ........... :D

Honestly, I'm just passing on the recommendations as mentioned by others, but I'm sure that a web search will be able to compare the various gooey concoctions to find the most suitable.
I'd apply Captain Tolleys Creeping Crack Cure before Sikaflex or whatever your favourite sealant is. It's quite thin until it cures and gets inside any fine gaps.
My P38 is leaking around the sun visor aswell, ive just used duct tape over the windscreen seal for now, its keeping the water out!

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