
New Member
Hi Folks, I have been for the MOT and guess what I needed some welding done, this has got me thinking (again) about replacing the chassis, I checked paddocks out and they have the 90 2.5n/a at £945+ vat.

Is there somewhere else out there for chassis, I was wondering were paddock bought their chassis from and if they would sell direct???

Ok thats it, any comments/ suggestions most welcome.

Thanks Ian, I took a look at the site you mentioned, they are a bit cheaper than paddocks, breaks my heart to think about spending so much dough on this chassis, if we could source a company that sold these for around the £500 mark they would have to work overtime to get the numbers out and make a mint... But theres no chance of that ehhh, maybe we should get that richard branson or the easy jet dude, yeah easyjet LR chassis"s , sound good to me, lol

Anyway I have the info thanks again

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