Wayne Powell

New Member
Hi all disco lovers I've had some water leaks and sorted the sunroof leaks out so I'm dry but my daughter in the boot is still getting wet I think it's coming in from the rear door seal. Could this happen as all sunroofs have been done by taken the headlining out so I'm lost on where else it could be coming from. Many thanks.
Check the alpine windows and seals - if they are good.

Check the seam between the roof and the body - this is where mine is leaking - just under the roof gutter, but on the inside. You'll need to remove the seat belt from its bolt (18mm socket), then remove the fascia surrounding the alpine window.

If you then lie in the boot with your head against the window looking up and towards the back of the disco, you may see the telltale signs of rust or water.
i had the same prob , and mine was the boot door seal . but like you i was not shaw where it was coming in .so i used a hose and only rain it on, round the boot seal . and it was like a waterfall inside. when it comes to finding whitch leak you have on a landy , i always find the hose to be ya best friend

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