how do yo drive with the ignition off ? :rolleyes:

to confuse even more, my 4 year old lad when talking about which headlights are on, we call them-

little little ones - ignition off, side lights on
little ones - ignition on, sidelights on
little big ones - ignition on, dipped headlights
big ones - ignition on, main beam on
big big ones - we dont have them, there on roof bars.

what are you on about, have you never seen dick heads driving on "side lights"
But totally legal in built up areas and at dusk, I don't have a problem in seeing them?.
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sorry dude but if you cant change a side light bulb i am not sure a disco is the correct choice of car unless you have piles of money to pay garage bills, i said "joke right" because you thanked a poster for giving you the info you needed and then asked for the same info in the same line he told you where the bulb was its the tiny one next to the big one there is only two
But totally legal in built up areas and at dusk, I don't have a problem in seeing them?.

Side lights arnt for letting you see where you are going, they are realy so other people can see you.

Plus parking lights arnt side lights realy.

Usualy only one side light is used as a parking light is it not, usualy when you leave the indicator on (I think), well on some cars before Im corrected.

Good luck with the learning of the basics motorhead,
Yup remember it well, VW and BMW maybe others lucky sods, the rest of us had to leave our side lights on or if staying all night wind down the window to clip on a single white/red lamp pluged into the dash somewhere.
The good old days.
I still have a rubber parking lamp stored in my shed must date from late 50s early 60s, whats more still works with the original bulb and plug ( 2 prongs)
Am I right in thinking that it is illegal to park against the flow of traffic at night without sidelights?

Used to be when they brought the no lights required in restricted areas (30mph) for parking law in :)
Am I right in thinking that it is illegal to park against the flow of traffic at night without sidelights?

Used to be when they brought the no lights required in restricted areas (30mph) for parking law in :)

You maybe right there, but I have to find a highway code on the www and have a looksee as that would tell me. :D

I like the Boxer engine siggy :cool:
Am I right in thinking that it is illegal to park against the flow of traffic at night without sidelights?

Used to be when they brought the no lights required in restricted areas (30mph) for parking law in :)
I think it might be, but it would takee a right tosser jobsworth polis to charge you with it.

But if your parked against the flow of traffic and someone hits you while parked your to blame, third party claims your insurance, that I do know.
No honestly not. My MOT Refusal certificate says: "Front position lamps not working" and I've got no idea how to fix it... I cannot say I'm having much more clarity after this thread. Just checked all three positions of the lever and they all seem to be working... :( :(

I believe this is more than an MOT fail, this is actual personality fail.



Sorry, it's too good, I had to make 2 pictorial jests
Hehe, this is certainly a silly question but since I haven't been able to find an answer by searching, I gotta ask :)

What/where are my front position lamps? And how do I make sure that they are working? I've never come across this term before.

I thought the only retard in Dorset was Series71 :rolleyes:
lol had the same fail on my disco mot ! but am so happy that i seen this thread and not had to post this Q up. cheers :rolleyes:

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