this one got nicely off-topic quickly !! :):)

Maybe we can add a load off unnecessary stuff about installing a solenoid motor & switch in place of the cable system.
this one got nicely off-topic quickly !! :):)

Maybe we can add a load off unnecessary stuff about installing a solenoid motor & switch in place of the cable system.
You could develop an unnecessary electric handbrake while you are at it.
Same for you I think.
Read into it what you will. I'm not bothered either way.
So, again, Merry Christmas

Well you seem pretty bothered, what i said had nothing at all to do with Brexit. Yet you think it was. That indicates touchiness on the subject. Maybe it would be a good idea to think before you post in future.
Merry Christmas to you also.
Gentlemen.... this is a Brexit free zone, that's why I come here, there's enough of that sit elsewhere, if you want to mention the name Brexit, there lots of places to go, its ****ed me off for almost 3 years, believe it or not, some of us don't give a crap about it
Gentlemen.... this is a Brexit free zone, that's why I come here, there's enough of that sit elsewhere, if you want to mention the name Brexit, there lots of places to go, its ****ed me off for almost 3 years, believe it or not, some of us don't give a crap about it
You started this sit (sic) by saying that.
Like I said above I really don't give a flying fuk.
This is NOT the place for it which is why I left it at merry Christmas, but you kept on goading.

Merry Christmas

Nope you did, first of all by misinterpreting the meaning of a statement then by mistaking an enquiry made because of your response for an insult. Quite how you managed that i don't know, you first mentioned the spikey subject not i.
Keep telling yourself that.
You blamed the EU in this statement.

And also the continued bashing of Rimmers too. If you don't agree with their prices, go elsewhere.

Happy new year.

Are you some sort of idiot? Your perception is wrong. Where did i complain about Rimmers in this thread. But their prices are ridiculous that is a given.
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