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So having a look around my new discos engine bay.

(1995 3.9 v8i)

Found this pipe that has come away from somewhere. But have no idea where???


And one end goes to this rubber bellow on throttle


So I followed it back to this junction point



Is this bellow the auto choke. Could this also be why my disco hunts on warm up but runs fine once warm?
Where should the other end of this pipe go?
I think it's part of the cruse control system, but as know nothing else about it.

A search should give more info.
It goes to the cruise control vacuum pump, which is located under the metal plate that the jack sits on, behind the left hand headlight. If you stick your fingers through the round hole in the plate you will be able to feel the pump, which is held in place by a couple of little rubber plugs pushed through the wheelarch.
Also there is no autochoke on the EFI, idle speed is controlled by the ecu, as is mixture. Lumpy idle is normally down to air leaks or a blockage in the breather system. For diagnostics I recommend you download a copy of the Rovergauge software (Free) and buy yourself a lead off ebay (£35 ish) as the only chance you have of sorting a problem is by finding it first. So many silly little problems on the V8 that you virtually replace the engine before you fix a problem by guesswork.


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Cheers guys for the replies. Once it stops raining one day I'll get in there and sort it all out.

My engine idles perfectly when warm (30secs after startup)

But the first 30 secs after startup is a constant battle to keep it from dying. I have to bounce the throttle pedal to keep it from stalling and ease off it to stop it revving through the roof.
To be honest it's a bit of a challenge. I got the disco off a mate who didn't have an ounce of mechanical knowledge. He had LPG installed about a year ago and altho he didn't do many miles once he got the lpg he never used petrol. Ironically it runs totally perfect on lpg but when you switch to petrol it's when the problems start. The plugs have been in a few years now and the leads are all original bar one I can see.
Out of interest what grade plugs would you recommend. I'll take them out and have a look at what it's got tomorrow.
A few people have mentioned stepper motor. Where can I find it/what's it look like I'll clean it out tomorrow.
Ok. I've just youtubed it and found it. At the back of the plenum chamber.
Tomorrow I'm getting dirty with my stepper motor. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Decent plugs and leads are essential. You could try throwing some injector cleaner in a tank of fuel as well.
Ok. So took out the stepper motor. was very carbed up. Cleaned all up and put back

Took out my plugs (one at a time of course).
All extremely carbed up


Although badly blackened inside they actually look new ish.

Cleaned all the carbon off the plugs using fine wet n dry. And put back. It started a little bit better but was still hunting until warm.

So back to drawing board. Anything else I could look at.??

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