Where do you park your lannie?

  • In the garage

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • In the driveway (out-of-sight)

    Votes: 18 14.0%
  • In the driveway (in plain-sight)

    Votes: 60 46.5%
  • Outside the house on the street!

    Votes: 27 20.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 9.3%

  • Total voters


Active Member
This poll should be interesting.
So where do you park your lannie?

I can't fit mine in the garage nor the yard without ripping off the cross-piece on the gate so for most times it's out-of-sight on the winding driveway. Disklok engaged, immobiliser fitted.

What about you folks?
On the roadside?
Parked at the farm with shotguns and dogs ready to strike? etc?
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On the street, preferably under the security camera. Unless we are in the country, then ... ****. don't even need to lock the house.

'Never underestimate the stupidity of others'.
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"other" when it is stopped with the parking brake on and I am in the pub it is parked "there"
Either the pub carpark or the lay-by opposite the house. Only paid £450 fer it and it looks that way so hopefully no-ones going to want to make orfed with it.
mine is nose first to the house with two cars behind it next to my dogs kennel so if anyone comes near mine i know about it straight away, plus i got the usual alarm and ive also had a dead switch fitted.
most of my series live in a field, security measures inculde; removal of engines, failed clutches, rotten chasis's and the fitment of a "landrover" badge - that usually scares most off!! :D

my lawn rover resides over where my front lawn used to be and often ventures into my garage but never further than that, security measures for it are; the missus constantly leaving her car unlocked in front of it :doh:
MY 2 RANGIES are within shotgun range of me bedroom windy,the 2 series are out of reach in the back garden wiv the chevvy & the lads camper,the merc +the old rover are in the garage under lock &key +the garage is alarmed.i allways keephalf a dozen 1ounce 6s on my bedside table cos the gun cabinet is close by,besides im a nasty bugger!!!!!dave......and yer right the filth wont do squat.....bastids
In front of a herd of hungry lions (and i fill it with fer-de-lance as well) so don't even try it!
I have a rented forecourt opposite my house with a garage too though my MG is in the garage & the Freelander stays on the forecourt with 3 security lights, a camera & the forecourt is chained accross.
4 vehicles in front of it and 30metres away from road-not a chance of hiab
I must be really paranoid, I built a double garage to accomodate the Discovery and the Freelander, think that was more to do with the amount of time spent under them than security reasons!
on a rock in the atlantic ocean, 40 miles from mainland by sea. so if can swim with 110 on your back help your self. I live on a land with only sea & air link.

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