Where do you park your lannie?

  • In the garage

    Votes: 12 9.3%
  • In the driveway (out-of-sight)

    Votes: 18 14.0%
  • In the driveway (in plain-sight)

    Votes: 60 46.5%
  • Outside the house on the street!

    Votes: 27 20.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 9.3%

  • Total voters
on the road where ever theres a space, usually on another street. one of the reasons that i'm putting off buying a 110, it'll get knicked and i'd never know.
Our house back's onto farmland and to get to our parking bay we have to drive down a small lane which you'd miss if ya blinked. Once parked she's out of view of joe public.
on the gravel drive 3ft from the pikey wagon. Spiked ball & chain (morningstar) close to hand.
hiding in amongst the mercs on a lodge carpark ( me I have to pay for parking, not in the funny handshake lot)
Too embarrased to tell you in detail how I used to park beast on drive- even by my standards it was slack :eek:

- safe to say that since joining site have changed my security - am buying disklok after payday to add to it .

Think ive been bloody lucky to have got away with it for so long:eek:
Mines parked in a private road/cul de sac which you could easily miss when driving past, usually backed up to the garage so the spare wheel can't get nicked easily. I also have a TOAD Cat 1 alarm and a Disk Lock. I must admit when i first got her i was a bit paranoid but that has worn off a bit now. For some reason I leave her in gear aswell.
:frusty::frusty:tonight :rolleyes:
on the bonnet of the coont that lives way down the roads citren van :mad:
tw@t seems to think its ok to park up here (and he puts the n/s wheels on the pavement :mad:
if its still there in the morning think i'll give my new kinetic rope a test and drag the bastid on down the road out the way :frusty::frusty:
on the road where ever theres a space, usually on another street. one of the reasons that i'm putting off buying a 110, it'll get knicked and i'd never know.

ha ha,so you really want to get rid of your gaylander dont you.go on by a deepender.:D:D
Right under me bedroom window, additional electrical bypass ;), clutch claw, disklok, alarm connected to air horn & very soon a shotgun mine attached to it :D:D
Mine lives on the drive behind the gates and under the security camera and you can't blink around here without one of the spaniels wanting to know whats going on

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