I was working ..now I aint...might be in a second but then again maybe not
let me et this right, work rained off, big muddy hole, you with a Defender, and you're not out there??????
Oh, and in answer to where did everyone go, well, i was down the pub for a swift 1 or 2 :p
let me et this right, work rained off, big muddy hole, you with a Defender, and you're not out there??????
head office gets a bit upset when i tear up my site with me company motor:D

on saying that was fun till they started building walls everywhere
no one steals defenders in l,pool there to worried it might belong to the loacl drug dealer

some pleb actually plated a 3 door in green up with my reg, i did get a lot of hassle but i got to the lad before the police did, lets just say i had alot of spares for sale when i found him ;)

see sirus, if yer anyone in liverpool its landrover all the way!! told yer so!

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