hi everyone,ive just got a freelander 1.8 petrol and it sounds like my tappets are starting to tap lol whats the best engine oil for it shes a 97,ive had her 3 months lol
try the search function at the top of the page or the freelander section, though as its a 1.8 save yourself the trouble of looking and just BURN IT!!!
hi everyone,ive just got a freelander 1.8 petrol and it sounds like my tappets are starting to tap lol whats the best engine oil for it shes a 97,ive had her 3 months lol

:welcome2: Could very well be and oil won't fit it. You have bought the worst motor ever known to land rover, sorry to say:eek:

If you can unload it/sell,trade get yourself a diesel, they are more reliable better mpg, but all motors have there problems but the petro are the worst, thats why they sell cheap and give you a sense of a good deal which they aren't.
when you ask a q - it helps if peeps know where you are situated - they can then give better advice - maybe even offer to help.


go into UserCP
in the Control Panel - edit your profile and put something in the "where do you live" box.
it doesnt have to be specific - Harrogate or London is close enough.

help others to help you.

Harrogate!!!! In my experience it's full of anally retentive friggin' would be's who think they are a cut above the rest.
trying to list a vehicle on here for sale ,, done it before with no hassle but cant seem to find the option... Am I missing something obvious or just a knacka .. litte help any one.
Got it on flea bay item no 270847807127
On the sunny side of the Pyrenee's which is good because its the sunny side but bad because the 2 nearest repairshops for Range Rover's are owned by the same scoundrel = 1 lovely ol lady standing still for most of a year because I get "no connection" when I try to connect to the cuter (BECM) and then can't get to work on my faulty suspension.
Loong intro dur to the frustration =))
Newcastle upon Tyne,west end area,I'm a Geordie lad,well not much of a lad.
Only had the FL 1 a few months no probs yet, but glad i found this site :clap2:

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